
Registration for CONIC-SEMESP 2010 is now open

Registration is open until the 31st of August


Largest Scientific Initiation Congress in Brazil reaches its 10th edition. The event is expected to receive more than 1.500 works and 3 thousand participants on November 19th and 20th in São Paulo. Registration is open until the 31st of August.

Semesp has opened registrations for the largest National Scientific Initiation Congress, the 10th Conic-Semesp. Registration can be made exclusively through the Semesp Portal until August 31st.

Undergraduate students from public and private institutions, from Brazil and abroad, supervised by professors, masters or doctors, can participate. The Congress, which takes place on November 19 and 20 at Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie, in São Paulo, aims to identify talent and encourage the transformation of ideas into reality, as a determining factor in the exercise of creativity.

The projects must be properly framed in one of the five areas of knowledge (Biological Sciences and Health, Exact and Earth Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Engineering and Technologies), in the categories "Completed" or "In progress". They will undergo evaluations, leading to pre-selection and final selection, carried out by a faculty specially designated to read the works. Last year, the event received more than 1.400 entries.

This year's Congress honors the philosopher Aristotle (384 BC to 322 BC), creator of logical thought, adopting as a slogan one of his quotes: "All men, by nature, desire to know." For professors-researchers and for the higher education institutions themselves, the Congress is a stimulus for the engagement of undergraduate students in the scientific investigation process, contributing to the formation of highly qualified professionals.

There will be an award for the 1st place in each of the five areas of Knowledge in the categories "Completed" and "In progress". A special award will also be given to the work in the “Completed” category, among those awarded, which is characterized as aimed at development and social commitment. The awarded works whose Author or Co-authors are present at the delivery ceremony will receive the prize value, according to the rules of the Regulation, plus 50% of the value. This criterion does not affect the special award. For the second consecutive year, there will also be the Incentive to Higher Education award.

In addition to the awards, a Certificate will be issued to all Authors, Co-authors and Advisors of the projects presented.

More information can be obtained by emailing



To learn about the regulations and register work, access this link.




10th Conic-Semesp
Date of presentations: November 19th and 20th, 2010
Location: Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute
Address: Rua da Consolação, 896, Centro, São Paulo - SP
Applications from: June 1st to August 31st