
Bahiana promotes V CAJU Forum

Event will be themed on digital issues.


“Social Networks and Virtual Relations: Cyberculture and Youth Sociabilities”. This will be the theme of the V Forum of the Youth Care Center (CAJU), which will take place on August 17, at Campus Cabula da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, the institution responsible for the initiative. 140 vacancies will be made available with free registration, which can be made on the institution's website (

The event's objective is to provide an intergenerational space, where people of different ages – young, adult or elderly – can share knowledge about new youth sociabilities and the subjectivation processes caused by Cyberculture in contemporary times.


O quê: V Fórum do CAJU
Quando: 17 de agosto de 2018
Hour: 8h to 13h
Where: Cabula da Campus Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
Address: Rua Silveira Martins, 3386, Cabula.