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Professors, researchers, entrepreneurs, technology managers, representatives of incubator companies met last Friday (8), at the Campus Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, to participate in the II Health Tech, a talkshow aimed at publicizing entrepreneurial actions in health. The event was marked by the launch of the book “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Health: Science and Market”.

Held annually, the meeting aims to contribute to the development of innovative products, services, processes and technologies, stimulating the development of new talents with innovative potential in the health area.

The opening table was attended by the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education, prof. ª Maria de Lourdes Freitas, from the rector of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IFBA), Renato Anunciação, from the representative of the Salvador Innovation Center – IFBA, prof. Claudio Reynaldo, from the UNEB representative, prof. Eduardo Jorge, and Prof. Josiane Dantas, from the Health Technology Institute – ITS SENAI CIMATEC. The opening words were given by the Dean of Research and Innovation, prof. Atson Fernandes, directly from Canada, via web conferencing.

“It's great to discuss science in the scope of innovation and entrepreneurship, that's why we have great partners. Today is a very important moment, as we closed a cycle that started with the 2017st National Meeting of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Health (ENEIS), held in May XNUMX and ended with the publication of a book,” declared Atson.

The program was focused on the roundtable "ICT-Company Interaction: challenges and opportunities in the field of research and innovation", which included presentations: "Application of Artificial Intelligence in Probabilistic Medical Models", performed by prof. Dr. Luis Cláudio Lemos (Bahiana) and Daniel Lopes (Horus); "Innovation & Biotechnology: benefits of partnership with the productive sector", with prof. Dr. Amancio Souza (Bahiana) and "Innovations applied to pelvic dysfunctions: from idea to product", given by Prof. Dr. Patrícia Lordêlo Gaborggini (Bahiana).

The book “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Health: Science and Market” is the result of works presented at the I ENEIS and was organized by Atson Carlos de S. Fernandes, Fernanda Ferraz de Castro, Claudio Reynaldo B. de Souza, Eduardo Manuel de F. Jorge and Josiane Dantas V. Barbosa. The book in digital format will be available for free download at Edifba website.