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Physical Activity Week


To celebrate World Physical Activity Day, the Physical Education course, in conjunction with the Center for Integrative Practices of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, held, on April 6th, a meeting with the theme "The Integrative Body Practices in evidence", at Campus Cabula.

The activity brought together professionals and students from the areas of health and education, as well as users of complementary integrative practices. The program included speeches by the Yoga teacher, Rosana Machado Politano, the Qi Gong Gutemberg Livramento instructor and the Physical Education course teacher, Milene Salomão, who spoke about the therapeutic power of Sacred Circle Dances.

According to the event coordinator, prof. Paulo Rodrigo Santos Aristides, "In this event, we thought of bringing some bodily practices within the Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) as a milestone for physical education, from the point of view of another resource for health promotion. Therefore, we invite professionals who deal with these bodily practices and who are not necessarily Physical Education professionals, because these practices are free in the world and come from traditional practices of other peoples/countries and, today, emerge in the context of public health".

He explains that the use of these practices is a determination of the World Health Organization and that they are now encouraged by the national policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices. "Physical activity, historically, is treated as something involving only energy expenditure, and physical education is more than that. It proposes that people get involved with their subjective aspects, through corporeality, and this matches perfectly with the conception of integrative practices. Therefore, we understand that it is important, in this context, to make the integration between what it would be like to move the body – corporeality in action – and the bodily practices that originate in these integrative practices", he explains.


circle dances

How can the act of dancing help to improve the quality of life and promote health? This was the point clarified by the teacher of the Physical Education course, Milene Salomão, in her speech. According to her, circular dancing is cooperative in nature. "Much more than favoring physical activity, through the simplicity and depth of this practice, circular dances allow the articulation between mind and body, providing relaxation, body awareness, concentration, rescue of the sacred aspects of life and ancestry, expression of feelings (peace, love, unity, joy, compassion, etc.) through body language, connection with oneself and with each other, it encourages cooperation and communion, helps to access other levels of consciousness and discover the sacred side of each one”.

The teacher explains that, during the dances, people are organized in a circle and holding hands, most of the time. "During the activity, the balance and mutual help between the person and the group are worked out, the experience of rooting and unity naturally develops, where everyone in the group realizes that they are supported, recognize equality at the center of the wheel, realizing that everyone is important and unique during dance development.” She also highlights that all these aspects contribute to improving health and quality of life.

Qi Gong

Promoting tranquility, harmonizing body and spirit in harmony with nature, society, individuals to achieve calm, peace of mind and happiness. This is the objective of Qi Gong (Chi Kung), a millenary Chinese tradition that was presented by the professor and director of the Brazilian Institute of Teaching and Research in Qigong and Chinese Medicine (IBRAPEQ), Gutenberg Livramento.

According to Livramento, who has a master's degree in Medicine and Human Health, by Bahiana, Qigong exercises are considered an effective way to preserve health, restore emotional balance and strengthen the immune system, increasing the vitality of the human being. Within the exercises, he highlights the importance of movement and static, promoting balance.


After developing an anxiety disorder that led to hypertension and stress, former businesswoman Rosana Machado Politano sought Yoga as a treatment, giving up any medicinal source. “It was a very arduous but wonderful path, as I experienced how a mental discipline can heal and how it can transform the life of an absolutely sick person. ”

Now a Yoga practitioner and instructor, Rosana explains that Yoga is a philosophy of life, it is not a physical practice where you have ethics, morals, a spiritual quest or a connection with God. “You start to develop a personal dialogue, and that brought me an understanding of how much useless suffering we feed on our daily lives. ”

Milene Salomão highlights the importance of events focused on integrative practices having a good space within the Bahiana, an institution dedicated to health. "THE Bahiana it's a place that lives in my heart. In this magical place, I manage to teach by combining scientific and traditional bases with integrative and complementary health practices. THE Bahiana it allows and encourages actions that help to improve the biopsychoemotional state, seeing the individual as a whole, working to promote health”.