
17th Dental Conference of the Bahiana - JOB

Registration of works until the day 23/04.


Click here to see the poster.

On May 17th and 18th, the Dentistry course promotes 17th Dental Conference of the Bahiana (JOBA), on the Cabula Campus of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The initiative is intended to encourage students to engage in research, teaching and extension activities. At inscriptions are open and run until May 18th.

programming it integrates students and professors from various undergraduate courses in Dentistry across the state, as well as researchers and professionals, providing the dissemination of knowledge and the contribution to the technical and scientific improvement of Dentistry in Bahia.

Paralelamente à JOBA, serão realizados também o I Encontro de Pacientes Especiais e Odontologia Hospitalar, II Encontro Bahiano de Odontologia Estética e o XI Encontro de Ex-Alunos de Odontologia da Bahiana.

Template for Power Point Presentation - Oral

Template for poster presentation - Panel

Secretariat for Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation and Extension

Campus Brotas
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Kabula Campus
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206