
Bahiana signs important partnership for use of research tool

Agreement with Vanderbilt University will enable access to Research Electronic Data Capture.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública has just signed a partnership with Vanderbilt University, in the USA, to make Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) available to its scientific community.

REDCap is one of the most advanced research tools in the world and was created in 2004 by researchers at Vanderbilt University (Tennessee, United States). It is financially supported by the National Institute of Health (NIH), and has technical and scientific support from the REDCap Consortium, made up of more than 2.600 institutions in more than 117 countries on 6 continents. REDCap was introduced in Brazil in 2011, through the Faculty of Medicine at USP. Today, the REDCap Brasil Consortium is the entity responsible, in the country, for the official representation of the tool with more than 100 renowned institutions.

REDCap is a robust and professional tool, whose base is completely online for creating and managing a database, with a focus on clinical and epidemiological research. With it, it is possible to create a database and forms with online access and authentication, share collection forms among researchers in the group, including in multicenter projects, receive data such as exam reports or reports, and also audit data remotely, by example. All in an easy-to-use interface, even compatible with smartphones and tablets, secure, interfaceable with the electronic medical record and with the main data analysis programs.

The register of researchers from Bahiana for the use of the tool, it will be done by means of a request made by e-mail, from the leader of the research group certified by CNPq. E-mails must be sent to NUPS – Health Projects Center (

Want to know more? Follow the link for this video-tutorial.

Or access the REDCap website at Vanderbilt University.