
PIBIC Júnior students participate in the Inaugural Class of the 2018 School Year of the State Education Network

The group of students presented experiences from the Scientific Initiation Program of Bahiana.


The group of high school students participating in the Scientific Initiation Program - PIBIC Júnior, from Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, attended the Inaugural Class of the 2018 School Year, of the State Education Network, held on February 21, in the auditorium of the Carneiro Ribeiro Educational Center – Escola Parque, in the neighborhood of Caixa D´ Água, in Salvador.

On the occasion, students Ariel Amorim Peixoto Batista, David Soares Messias, Greice Kelly de Lima Ferreira, Italo Gabriel da Cunha Santos, Marlucia da Conceição Oliveira, Natiana Rodrigues da Silva, Vitória Regina Mendes Freire and Rafael Sacramento Serra das Neves shared with those present. their scientific initiation experiences, based on the research they are developing with research professors at the Bahiana, in addition to having told how this participation is marking their lives and about the importance of the Program.      
  Bahiana she was represented by the coordinator of the Scientific and Technological Initiation Nucleus (NICTEC), Prof. Thaís Calasans, and by the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Maria de Lourdes Freitas Gomes. The PIBIC Júnior scholarship holders are high school students from the state public network, selected by the Youth Center for Science and Culture (CJCC).