
Hazing does not go with health!

Bahiana promotes awareness campaign on abusive and aggressive practices.


Hazing is an outdated and reprehensible activity that puts the physical and psychological integrity of those involved at risk. In several universities in Brazil, the practice has reached increasingly worrying levels – there are countless records of cases of abuse, physical violence and situations that harm the dignity of students. THE Bahiana repudiates hazing and understands that its creators must be held legally responsible. According to Article 1 of Ordinance No. 21/2016 of the institution:

"Students enrolled in courses linked to the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública any practices that characterize “hazing”, regardless of their nature, on the premises of the IES or beyond. ”

We believe that every future healthcare professional must cultivate common sense and the principles of cordiality, empathy and respect for human beings. Therefore, we embrace the mission of mobilizing our academic community in favor of such an important cause.