


After the meeting, interested parties can enroll in the improvement course Artistic Techniques in Psychotherapy Practice - Under the Perspective of Analytical Psychology by Carl G. Jung

Approaches: health, art and Jungian psychology. This is the theme of the I Symposium on Analytical Psychology of the Bahiana, an initiative of the Postgraduate Research and Extension Coordination of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. The event takes place on March 19th and 20th, at the Nazaré Academic Unit – Rua Frei Henrique, nº 8-B, Nazaré. Entries can be made until March 18th, at the postgraduate secretariats of the Academic Units Brotas (Av. Don João VI, nº 275, Brotas) and Cabula (Av. Silveira Martins, nº 3386, Cabula) from Bahiana. 
The Symposium has no registration fee, however each participant must donate 1 kg of non-perishable food, which will be forwarded to Casa da Criança Cardiopata. More information on the phones (71) 3276 8265 and (71) 3257 8206 and on the website
The meeting is aimed at professionals and students in the health area and its main objective is to develop training actions for the use of artistic and expressive techniques in psychotherapy practices, applying Jungian concepts in individual and group activities.
For those interested in further deepening their studies in Analytical Psychology, the Coordination of Graduate Studies, Research and Extension of Bahiana, registration opens, on March 22, for the course Artistic Techniques in the Practice of Psychotherapy – Under the Perspective of Analytical Psychology by Carl G. Jung. The program includes three professional qualification courses, with four modules each, totaling 120 hours. 
Symposium Schedule
The I Symposium on Analytical Psychology of Bahiana opens at 19 pm on March 19 (Friday) and will feature the performance of the musicians of “TERNO DE ÁS”; with a performance by theater director Paulo Cunha and with the lecture - The Art: Images of Salvation (Tarsila X Oswald), which will be taught by Ana Elizabeth Rabelo, a specialist in Analytical Psychology and Master in Religious Sciences, with the participation of dancer and psychologist Maria Fernanda Fernandez.
On Saturday, activities begin at 08 am with the Human Relations round table: A Symbolic Reading, with the participation of psychologist Juliana Vieira Sinay Neves who will talk about the representation of the Animus archetype in Fairy Tales and psychologist Carlos Vinícius Melo who, on the occasion, will explain QUIDAM (Cirque di Dolei): A Jungian Reading.
The activities continue with the lecture Mental Health and Analytical Psychology: a necessary approach that will be presented by the Jungian psychologist, master in social and work psychology and doctoral candidate in Public Health, José Henrique Miranda de Morais.
Next, the lecture The Process of Individuation takes place, with psychologist and specialist in Analytical Psychology, Amauri Munguba Cardoso.
At the end of the morning, the second round table takes place - Stages of life. The activity will count with the participation of the specialist in Analytical Psychology and Neuropsychology, Maria Tutti Cabussú, who, on the occasion, presents the theme, Childhood in Virtual Reality. The table will also feature the participation of the clinical psychologist, partner-director of the clinic Psique, Lucy Regis Lins with the approach Adolescence as a rite of passage, and the psychologist, specialist in Jungian Art Therapy and Psychotherapy, Fabiana Pithon, with the theme The Ceremony of Marriage as a Rite of Passage, within the Young Adult segment.
In the afternoon, there will be a cultural moment with the artist Daniel Dantas. Afterwards, participants will attend the lecture Depression and Culture: an archetypal approach, with the Jungian psychiatrist, Hermenegildo Oliveira dos Anjos.
The round table of the afternoon round brings a second moment to the theme Stages of Life, with the presentation of the themes Adult: Metanoia, with the doctor and master in Maternal and Child Medicine, Ana Suely Vieira; Elderly: Puer-Senex, who will be approached by the doctor and director of the Instituto Junguiano da Bahia, Carlos São Paulo; and Death: the true human mystery, which will be presented by the gynecologist and cytopathologist, specialist in Analytical Psychology, Simone Ganem Assmar Santos.
Finally, Tiganá, a musician and composer, will offer us some of his compositions.