


Os alunos do Módulo de Psicofarmacologia que estão no 4º ano de Medicina participam, hoje (06/11) a partir das 14h30, de mais uma aula por meio de videoconferência com a professora Milena Pondé, diretamente da McGill University, no Canadá, onde ela está realizando o seu Pós-Doutorado. Mais uma vez, ela trará um professor convidado que vai falar sobre o tema Efeito Placebo: uma abordagem holística. A aula acontece na sala de Videoconferência Humberto de Castro Lima, localizada no Centro de Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias Educacionais – CEDETE, que fica na Coordenadoria da Bahiana, Av. Dom João VI, 274, Brotas. Gym
The lecture
Placebo Effect: A Holistic Approach
, will be taught by visiting professor André LeBlanc, who will analyze research on placebos carried out by medical historian Anne Harrington.
 In the 1990s, Anne Harrington characterized placebo research as being sharply divided between the social sciences and the natural sciences. She suggested that this division could account for the fact that neither of the two poles of research succeeded in elucidating the nature of the placebo effect. “Taking Harrington's work as a starting point, I propose a way to combine these perspectives into a single conception of the placebo effect. My argument is that if the placebo effect remained a mystery for so long, it is because the researchers did not sufficiently take into account the phenomenon's psychological experience”, comments Professor André LeBlanc.
Invited teacher
André LeBlanc is Professor of History of Science and Research Methods at John Abbott College. He was Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at King's College University, Halifax. He holds a Ph.D. in History of the Philosophy of Science from the University of Toronto, and a Post-Doctorate in History of Science from Harvard University and UQAM.
Availability in AVA
The videoconference will be recorded by CEDETE and will be available to teachers of all courses who wish to use it as reference teaching material within their disciplines. Access will be through the moodle platform, hosted on the Virtual Learning Environment of Bahiana. Interested parties can request the material directly from CEDETE, through the number 2101 1959 or by e-mail