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I Seminar on Qualitative Health Research


Bring together researchers, graduate and scientific initiation students in the areas of medicine, human health, health technologies and psychology, interested in furthering studies on qualitative research. That was the purpose of the I Seminar on Qualitative Health Research which took place on November 17th and 18th, at the Cabula Academic Unit of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The seminar was an initiative of the Psychology, Diversity & Health Research Group, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mônica Daltro and had the partnership of the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory in Autism (Labirinto), Institute of Humanities Arts and Sciences Professor Milton Santos ( IAHC/UFBA), State University of Bahia and Bahiana, with the sponsorship of CAPES, via public notice.

The meeting presented, at its opening, the round table "Challenges of Qualitative Research in Health", with speeches by the Dean of Research and Innovation at Bahiana, Atson Fernandes, the coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Research in Autism (Labyrinth) and professor of the Medicine course, Dr. Milena Pondé, the professor of the Psychology course Marilda Castelar and the representative of the Institute of Humanities Arts and Sciences Professor Milton Santos ( IAHC/UFBA), Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas Coelho.

"Based on the premise that the health education process demands a broad education that encompasses the possibilities of analyzing health as a complex phenomenon, the I Seminar on Qualitative Health Research sought to promote the improvement of the quality of national scientific and technological production through the encouraging the development of qualitative research in the health field, involving the three most important educational institutions in the State of Bahia", declared the coordinator, Mônica Daltro. According to her, the idea was to promote the development of comprehensive and interdisciplinary research in the area of ​​health in line with the demands of Brazilian society.

The opening lecture was given by Unicamp professor Egberto Turato and addressed the theme "Qualitative research in clinical settings – study of meanings attributed to illnesses and treatments".

The program of the first day included the lecture "Ethnopsychoanalysis", by Prof. Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas Coelho; the debate panel "Practices in Qualitative Research: research reports"; the conference "Discussing epistemological problems in qualitative research – Qualitative Epistemology", with Prof. Daniel Goulart (UNB); the lecture "Re-exivity in qualitative research", with Prof. Jorge Iriart (ISC/UFBA) and the presentation of research reports.

The second day of the meeting included the short courses "Doing qualitative research in anthroposocial sciences: the constructive-interpretative proposal" and "Human Sciences in Health Sciences: peculiarities of the use of the qualitative method in paradigm migration", taught by professors Daniel Goulart and Egberto Turato, respectively.

The seminar promoted the meeting of expertise in the area with the challenge of discussing with researchers of different views the possibilities of scientific development in health from thematic and methodological challenges that highlight conceptual issues, highlighting historical and ideological processes, identities, subjects, how to highlight the possibilities of method combinations in the name of goals that integrate health beyond the absence of disease.