
Collaborator represents the Bahiana at an international event

Herbet Menezes Dorea Filho presents a study at the MEDINFOR IV International Colloquium, in the city of Porto.


"Pedro Calmon's Epistolography: personal archive in the construction of the memory of medicine in Bahia and Brazil" is the title of the study presented by the institutional documentation advisor, from the Documentation Nucleus of Bahiana (NUDOC), Herbet Menezes Dorea Filho, no Colóquio Internacional MEDINFOR IV, realizado na cidade do Porto, em Portugal. Com o tema "A Medicina na Era da Informação", o evento científico foi uma realização da Universidade do Porto, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Centro de Investigação em Comunicação, Informação e Cultura Digital, Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde, Universidade Federal da Bahia.

"I wrote an article, as an information science master's student, about Pedro Calmon's personal archive and his participation in the construction of the memory of medicine in Bahia and Brazil. While I was developing the research, I located some documents from the Bahiana sent to Pedro Calmon and stored in his personal file. As I have a professional relationship with the school, in addition to showing the documents, I have been representing her as an archivist", says Herbet.

Check out the interview with our collaborator.

- How was your participation in the MEDINFOR IV International Colloquium? What did you present there?
The event Medicine in the Information Age (MEDINFOR), which is in its fourth edition, is the space for interdisciplinary dialogue between Information Science and other areas of knowledge, such as medicine. It was in this sense that I decided to submit an article to the event, as I am developing a dissertation, within the scope of the Master in Information Science at UFBA, on Pedro Calmon's personal archive. Knowing the importance that Pedro Calmon had in Bahian, Brazilian and Portuguese history, I thought of focusing the construction of the article on his participation in the construction of the memory of medicine. In fact, I found a lot of material on this topic, in addition to identifying documents from the Foundation Bahiana for the Development of Sciences, at the time called the Foundation Bahiana for the Development of Medicine. Finally, the article entitled A Epistolografia de Pedro Calmon: personal archive in the construction of the memory of medicine in Bahia and Brazil was approved and directed to the sub-theme Memory, Identity and Culture.

- How important are the documents you found relating to Bahiana?
Working with the history recorded in the documents is very rewarding. It's memory. Realizing that the institution in which you work established contact, through letters, invitations and other documents with your object of study was an interesting surprise. THE BAHIANA it is an institution recognized regionally, nationally and internationally in various educational, health, management contexts, and the documents are there to evidence these existential networks built over time. Our institution is part of the history of our country's healthcare area.

- Did you receive any support from the institution for the research or for participating in the event?
Yes, the BAHIANA provided subsidies for the article to be presented at the event.

- What do you point out as gain from this experience?
First, take and represent the name of the institution, as a collaborator, in another country in a very busy event with several presentations in the medical field, for example, through the themes: medical information, information architecture in health portals, management information in health units, artificial intelligence in medical radiology (article presented by a former student of the EBMSP), health promotion through reading, culture and science in Garcia da Orta's colloquia, among others. Another important point was the professional maturity that the activity provided me. It was the first article I presented at a scientific event and, even more gratifying, a large and international event such as MEDINFOR, organized by the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine and the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto. Finally, I think that the exchange of experiences, learning about a new culture and the networks built were of great importance for my life and for the institution.