


Book and Comic Book Collection Campaign

5 to 28 May

A BAHIANA, as an Extension activity involving all courses, this year will promote Health Care Actions at the Health Fair, which will be held at the Parish of Nossa Senhora de Brotas, on 30/05, from 8 am to 18 pm. 

And as part of the activities, there will be a waiting room for entertainment and reading encouragement, for children and teenagers from 6 to 16 years old, which will make available books and magazines from comic books.

However, to carry out this activity, we count on the collaboration of our students, professors and employees in the donation of these comic books and magazines (GIBIS).

Local de entrega das doações: Na biblioteca das unidades acadêmicas até o dia 28 de maio.

Local da Feira da Saúde: Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Brotas - Dia 30 de maio

Participate! Encouraging reading is building knowledge.