
Art workshops prepare seniors for an exhibition on November 9th

Grupo Encontro Feliz will present an exhibition at the Academic Unit Brotas.


On November 9th, the community Bahiana, guests and relatives of the seniors of the Encontro Feliz Group will be able to appreciate the artistic works developed by the members of the group during two workshops, held on October 19th and 26th.  
Created about 10 years ago, Encontro Feliz gathers seniors assisted at the Medical Center of Bahiana and others who participate in activities seeking a better quality of life and well-being. All work is coordinated by the health unit's social worker, Lorena Vaz, and by students from the undergraduate courses at the Bahiana participating in the Health Integration Program (Candeal Program). Throughout the semester, the academics, together with the participants of Encontro Feliz, plan and carry out activities to promote health and improve the quality of life that take place weekly and are coordinated by the students themselves. Workshops on memory, dance, stretching, sensory stimulation, among others, have already been held.

art workshops
Iago Lemos, second semester of Medicine and coordinator of the arts workshops, explains that the objective of the activity was “to develop self-esteem and the creative process, taking them out of their comfort zone and putting them in an activity to stimulate their minds”.
The classes were given by members of the Encontro Feliz Group. The painting activities were coordinated by Joaquim Pedroso, 81, a professional plastic artist. He says that his contact with the group took place through an acquaintance who is also part of the group and who had a real improvement in her quality of life due to the “integration with younger people and with peers of the same age , this gives us satisfaction and makes us realize that we are still living. I have had 180 exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, I have my name mentioned in some books and magazines and, thank God, I have always been happy”.

Geraldo José Mascarenhas, 86, took part in the painting workshop, an activity he performed for the first time in his life. A widower and father of two daughters who live abroad, Geraldo says that Grupo Encontro Feliz fulfills all of his requirements. “I swim and go to the gym and being here complements me, also because the students are very loving”.
Another painting workshop was carried out by Nilzete Horta Campos. She says that she takes a free painting course and took the opportunity to share it with her colleagues at Encontro Feliz. “It's therapy for me, thank God. Everyone has health problems, but mine can be taken away and that's a way of not staying at home, we can't sit still, it's something that plays with the mind and that satisfies, very good indeed. Everyone participated, did what I taught right and it was a very good experience”.

Maria Terezinha Costa de Jesus, 75, says that she has been part of the group for almost two years and says that, due to medical advice and pressure from her family, she needed to perform some activity. Then, a neighbor told him about Happy Meeting. One of the positive points that she highlights are the motor activities proposed in each meeting. “When they teach, they always work with motor coordination, with creativity, attention and they develop it. And sometimes they ask to make some art and determine. Today, they determined that it would be painting and crafts”.

Terezinha says she learned crafts recently, following tutorials on YouTube. “I never worked with crafts, I was a teacher, a literacy teacher, I discovered this art after I was 74 years old. My grandson told me: "my grandmother, for God's sake, leave me alone, go crumple your paper!" Then, I was mad at life, but I would say: “Wait, I'm going to show him something” and he would reply: “Wow, grandma, you made it nice”. Then I would say: “so, let me hurt my role” (laughs).

The nutritionist of the Health Integration Program, Michaela Eickemberg says that the management of the elderly occurs naturally and that there is a good relationship between them and the students. “In every semester, we have a group of new students from various courses here at Bahiana, it is an interdisciplinary group and it is very easy to integrate with the elderly, because they are very open, they arrive with a great desire to meet everyone, to participate, and the boys feel very welcome here. So, it's very easy to think about activities”.

Ana Clara Brandão, second semester student of Dentistry, says that before participating in the program, she thought that the course activities would be focused only on the classroom, in the pre-clinical. "After I joined the course, I saw that dentistry goes far beyond that, in fact, not only dentistry, but all areas of health, that's why I admire the program, because it's an interdisciplinary program, it involves all disciplines , each one gathers their information and can contribute to what is done. So, I think that, for this reason, it is a very good discipline”. 

Check out the photos.