



 Salvador, February 14, 2009 

Dear teachers,

Welcome to 2009!!!

We started this very special year reaping the good results of what, with determination, courage and much companionship, we sowed together with our students and partners, inside and outside the Bahiana.

Good winds took our innovative proposal of the Selective Formative Process to other fields and stops and soon the results came. Freshmen are excited about our courses!

Como sempre, temos muito a compartilhar e, para isto, lembramos que o V Fórum Pedagógico da Bahiana acontecerá no dia 14 de março, sábado, a partir das 08h30, no Centro de Convenções da Bahiana, Academic Unit III, Cabula.

Na primeira semana de março, já descansados do carnaval, vocês receberão o folder com a programação e um exemplar da Revista da Bahiana, como inspiração para nosso encontro. Este ano, o Fórum terá como tema “1952-2009: Bahiana - uma história, muitos autores”. Em constante estado de “metamorfose ambulante”, transformaremos idéias em atos, daremos asas à imaginação e, com certeza, conseguiremos voar juntos!

On the same day, we will toast together the achievements of 2008 and the plans for 2009 at a country lunch under the mango trees of the Cabula and during the flight of the “butterflies”.

We ask that you confirm your participation, both at the Forum and at lunch, so that we can prepare ourselves to welcome you. Confirmations must be made in person or by telephone at the campus offices by Friday, March 06th.

Our contacts:
Nazaré Academic Unit (Nazaré): Graça / Academic Unit Brotas (Brotas): Neide / Academic Unit Cabula (Cabula): Analicia

We are very happy with this playful-pedagogical reunion!

A butterfly hug,

Luiza Ribeiro
People Development Coordination