



The Brazilian Institute of Ophthalmology and Prevention of Blindness-IBOPC, the Foundation Bahiana for Science Development-FBDC, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública-EBMSP, Academia de Medicina da Bahia-AMB, Federação das Santas Casas e Hospitais Filantrópicos do Estado da Bahia, Hospital Santa Isabel da Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia, Confederação das Santas Casas e Hospitais Filantrópicos do Brasil, Hospital Espanhol, comunicam o falecimento do Professor Doutor Humberto de Castro Lima e convidam para a cerimônia de cremação a ser realizada às 16:00 horas do dia 02 de julho de 2008, no Cemitério Jardim da Saudade.

The body is being veiled at the Foundation's Coordination Bahiana for the Development of Sciences-FBDC, located at Av. D. João VI, 274 Brotas.

Mentor of profound changes in the School's thinking Bahiana of Medicine, Professor Humberto de Castro Lima assumed the general coordination of the Foundation Bahiana for the Development of Sciences in 1992, a function he held where until the present time.

In his 16 years at the head of the entity, Dr. Humberto de Castro Lima has implemented a series of innovations such as the institution of new courses, expansion of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública with the construction of two more Campi (Cabula and Brotas) which, added to the Academic Unit of Nazaré, started to serve more than 3 thousand students.

Specialist in Ophthalmology, he was a professor at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, and professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Professor Humberto died at his home, early last night (01), due to health complications.