





The medical internship is a stage of training full of complexities. Stopping being a student to take on professional responsibilities brings a mixture of pleasure and fear. In addition, there is a need to pass the Medical Residency Competition, a fact that, in isolation, requires a set of equally challenging attitudes and dispositions. For these reasons, and always aiming for the integral training of its students as well as their professional success, Bahiana conceived the seminar From Internship to Medical Residency. It includes efforts aimed at making the student a good intern and the student a great resident. We hope, at the end of the event, that, in addition to the intended enrichment, the hours spent will constitute a real investment in the education and preparation of each of our students.



Location: auditorium of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública - Academic Unit Cabula (Cabula)


Order date: April 11, 2008


Target Audience: 4th, 5th and 6th year students

da Bahiana


Open Hours: 14 pm to 18 pm


Registrations: 71.2101-2916






14h00 - Opening

Boarding Committee


14h30 - Lecture - Theme: “The Being a Doctor”

Speaker: Prof. Ana Suely Vieira

Professor of Mental Semiology and Psychiatry at EBMSP


15h00 - Experience Report

Mediators: Dr. Ana Thereza Britto Gomes

Professor of Internal Medicine at the EBMSP Internship


Dr Ana Marice Teixeira Ladeia

Professor of Medical Semiology at EBMSP

Participation: Vana Blanker

Representative Allegheny General Hospital – Pittsburgh

Rapporteurs - 6th year Medical Students at EBMSP

Albert CHENEVIER Hospital Group – Henri Mondor

- Felipe Carrha Machado

- Marcos Alex Santos Boaventura

- Olivia Carla Dantas do Bomfim


Weill Cornell Medical College - New York

- Flavia Ladeia Meira

- Marques Vinicius de C. Gomes


San Joan de Deu Hospital / Barcelona

- Rachel Silvany Pictures


Allegheny General Hospital – Pittsburgh

- Edilberto Amorim Filho

- Camila Oliveira Lopes Paradella

-Daniel Andrade Reis

- Jonas Gordilho Souza

- Leonardo Barros Mascarenhas

- Thais Helena MO de Oliveira

15h - Break


16h - Lecture

Perspectives of Medical Residency

Proof of Residence


Guest: Dr. Maria do Patrocínio Tenório Nunes

Prof ª Medical Clinic / USP-SP-ABEM- CNRM


17h00 - Panel - Debate

Dr. Marta Silva Menezes

Coordinator of the Medicine Course at EBMSP


doctor Alvaro Nonato de Sousa

Prof. of Surgical Clinic of the EBMSP Internship

Coordinator of the EBMSP Internship - Member of the CNRM

Regional Coordinator of the National Commission for Medical Residency in the North and Northeast


Dr. Maria do Sponsorship Tenório Nunes

Prof ª Medical Clinic / USP-SP-ABEM- CNRM


doctor Robson Moura

Prof. Surgical Clinic of the Internship of the Internship of EBMSP/ President of CEREM


Dr. Maria Conceição Galvão

Professor of Internal Medicine at the Internship - Coordinator of the EBMSP Internship


18:00 - Closing




Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani

Director of EBMSP


Dr. Marta Silva Menezes

Coordinator of the Medicine Course at EBMSP


doctor Alvaro Nonato de Sousa

Prof. of Surgical Clinic of the EBMSP Internship

Coordinator of the EBMSP Internship - Member of the CNRM


Dr. Maria Conceição Galvão

Professor of Internal Medicine at the Internship

EBMSP Internship Coordinator


Prof. Maria Luisa Cardoso

Pedagogical Supervisor of the EBMSP Internship