
May 31 - Anniversary of Bahiana

Five Star Health School celebrates 65 years of foundation this Wednesday.


On May 31, 1952, thirteen founders signed the minutes that formalized the creation of the Foundation Bahiana for the Development of Medicine (current Foundation Bahiana for Science Development), with the mission of serving as the sponsor of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. As a result of a partnership with Bahia's Santa Casa de Misericórdia, the second medical course in Salvador lived its first years on the premises of Hospital Santa Izabel, in the neighborhood of Nazaré.

In the following decades, the Bahiana would gain new undergraduate and graduate courses, new physical structures – the modern Academic Units Brotas and Cabula – and would expand its activities to the areas of research, health care and social responsibility.

The school has knowledge and innovation as its main foundations to make health a good every day more accessible to everyone. Today, on the day he turns 65, he celebrates a moment of great recognition among professors, students, graduates, patients, health professionals and academic and scientific institutions. A recognition before society as a whole.