
X Seminar on Medical Internship

The event will be held on March 31st and will bring together students from the 9th to the 12th semesters of the Medicine course.


Medical internship students from the 9th to the 12th semester of the Medicine course at Bahiana will meet on March 31 from 13:30 pm to 17 pm, at the X Seminar on Medical Internship which will take place at the Cabula Academic Unit.

Coordinated by Prof. Dilton Mendonça, the event aims to provide a discussion of current and relevant topics in the area between academics and medical leaders.

During the program, there will be conferences, lectures and presentation of panels with themes directed to the medical area.

400 vacancies will be made available and registration is now open.


13:30 pm

13:30 pm to 15:XNUMX pm
Painel: Temas controversos na prática médica.­ Aspectos éticos e legais relacionados a: declaração de óbito, prontuário médico, qualidade do registro médico.
Coordination: Prof. Ana Verônica

Conferência: Choosing Wisely em Medicina
President: Prof. Marta Menezes
Speakers: Prof. Guilherme Barcellos and Prof. Luis Claudio Correia

15:15 to 20:XNUMX

15:20 pm to 17:XNUMX pm

    O estranho mundo dos conflitos de interesse na saúdeNovas perspectivas de carreira médicaAs fronteiras da atividade médica

President: Prof. Marta Menezes
Speakers: Prof. Guilherme Barcellos and Prof. Luis Claudio Correia

Painel: Temas controversos na prática médica. ­Aspectos éticos e legais relacionados a: prática médica e trabalho em equipe: dificuldades no trabalho multidisciplinar; sobrecarga e questões ligadas aos plantões; atestado médico; evasão; alta a pedido.

17 h
Closing ceremony 

Dean of Extension
71 | 3276-8214