
Bahiana is considered an advanced school by the Health Area Schools Evaluation Committee (CAES)

Self-assessment of the Medicine course reflects the innovation profile, in accordance with the MEC curriculum guidelines.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública received the typology of Advanced, according to the self-assessment by the wheel method, an initiative of the Commission for the Evaluation of Schools in the Health Area (CAES) of the Brazilian Association of Medical Education (ABEM). This is the highest classification of the method, which constitutes an instrument of strategic vision for institutional development of undergraduate courses in the health area, aiming to encourage changes in training in accordance with the curricular guidelines of the Ministry of Education.

The self-assessment was carried out in November 2016 with the participation of professors and students from the Medicine course, in addition to pedagogical supervisors from the Bahiana, when the political-pedagogical project, the pedagogical approach, teacher development and the world of work were also evaluated.

The results were forwarded to the national coordination of CAES, which considered the institution as ADVANCED, "which gives the Bahiana the possibility of training differentiated professionals who contribute to the construction of the paradigm of integrality with greater qualification in the context of comprehensive care to human beings, providing more humanized care with relevant contributions to the exercise of citizenship", concluded the report prepared by the CAES evaluators /OH OK.

"We were quite accomplished for having contributed yet another external recognition achieved by the Medicine course at Bahiana. We intend to repeat the self-assessment, in November 2017. It is a process of constant improvement, always in search of excellence", declared the professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana, Dr. Eliana de Paula who was in charge of the process.

In 2016, 48 higher education institutions with health courses carried out the self-assessment. Of the total, 21 schools were characterized as Advanced. The other institutions received the typologies of “Innovative with an advanced trend”, “Traditional or conservative” and “Innovative with a conservative or traditional trend”.

In its conclusion, the report of the Bahiana emphasizes: "The School has undoubtedly shown itself as a reference among Brazilian undergraduate courses in medicine, in the changing trends advocated by the National Curriculum Guidelines".