
Complementary Selection Process 2017.1/2 - Vacancies ENEM

Check the Application Notice with complete information and apply from January 23rd to 25th.


One more chance for you who got a good result in Enem and dreams of studying at Bahiana, the 5 star health school.

As inscrições para o Processo Seletivo Complementar 2017.1/2 pela nota do ENEM serão realizadas no período de 23 a 25 de janeiro. São vagas para os cursos de Educação Física, Psicologia, Fisioterapia, Odontologia, Biomedicina e Enfermagem.

Other important information is detailed in the REGISTRATION NOTICE.

And if you attended all high school (1st, 2nd and 3rd years) in public schools, you can benefit from PROSAE, the Health and Education Program, which makes your access to Bahiana by the Selection Process ENEM with a 50% discount on the monthly fees of Psychology, Physiotherapy, Biomedicine, Physical Education and Nursing courses.

Learn more about PROSAE.

CLICK HERE para realizar a sua INSCRIÇÃO ONLINE.