
L2E of Bahiana performs first aid training at Odebrecht

Students and professor of the Nursing course trained employees in accident prevention.


Employees of the Odebrecht company received, on October 27, a visit from the Nursing Emergency League (L2E) of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. With the support of the postgraduate course in Occupational Nursing at the Bahiana, Nursing students supervised by the course professor and assistant coordinator of L2E, Tássia Teles, performed a training on first aid, during the Internal Accident Prevention Week (SIPAT) of the institution.


“I was invited to give this training, in which we did practical demonstrations about burns, dressings, intoxication and also talked about basic life support, with the aim of bringing a little knowledge about first aid to employees”, says teacher Tássia Teles.

Student and binder Lara Ribas, from the 3rd semester of the Nursing course at Bahiana, says that the activity presented the main risks of accidents and that the participants were able to know a little about first aid, what it is and how to proceed in cases of cardiac arrest, intoxication, burns and hemorrhages. “The nursing student, in activities like these, acquires a sensitivity to pass on deep and specific knowledge, which we see throughout the academic period. Taking this learning to people who have never been through emergency situations is enriching”.



During the event, the students guided the company's employees using mannequins to simulate critical emergency situations. Through basic first aid techniques, they reinforced the importance of safety and assistance to victims, both at home and at work.