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II Colloquium on the Health of the Black Population


“Sabemos que o racismo é estruturante em nossa sociedade e define nossa condição de viver e de morrer. Trabalhar essas questões com estudantes e professores é atentar para esse determinante social de saúde”. A observação é de Karine Oliveira, professora de Saúde Coletiva, e foi feita durante o II Colóquio sobre Saúde da População Negra. O evento aconteceu nos dia 21 e 22 de outubro, na sede na Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, at the Cabula Academic Unit.

For the professor, it was an achievement to integrate the event, which has been taking place for two years, to the institution's agenda. Result of a partnership between the Full Life Community Complex (CCVP), the Hólon Society and the Medicine course of Bahiana, the colloquium was proposed in commemoration of the National Mobilization Day for the Health of the Black Population, celebrated on October 27th. 

Undergraduate and graduate students, professors and health professionals had a space for dialogue and socialization of care practices aimed at the black population. Public policies and legislation on health and clinical management were also topics of debate.

Psychologist Jeferson Oliveira, member of the CCVP and professor of Family Health, recalled that the II Colloquium brought up a very relevant topic within the cultural and territorial context. “I wonder why these debates are not so present in the health area of ​​universities”, he provoked and explained: “because the racial issue directly implies the quality of care and care for the black population”.


Professor Isabel Cruz, PhD in nursing from the University of São Paulo, opened the event with a lecture “Racism in the health service and the performance of professionals”, highlighting the National Comprehensive Health Policy for the Black Population (PNISPN).

For her, it is necessary to recognize that medicine is still resistant to changes that imply patient empowerment and increased social control. For this reason, Isabel Cruz praised the initiative of Bahiana and professor Karine Oliveira in conducting the colloquium, which she considers a pioneer in a medical school. “Despite the difficulties, the world is changing. Today, we work with a focus on individuals and the interprofessional team”, he pondered. 

As the medical course is the main educational element of the medical category, holding this event is of the utmost importance, highlighted Professor Eliana de Paula, who represented the course coordinator, Professor Ana Verônica Mascarenhas, in addition to the professors of Bahiana, of the Research Groups and of the Academic League of Racial Relations.

“With the colloquium, we can bring our students, future doctors, to participate in this debate so that they can better position themselves, not only as professionals, but as citizens”, explained Eliana de Paula.

Racism in academia

With themes relevant to the training of students, the event promoted an expanded discussion on various aspects that racism affects, including debates and round tables.

There was also an exhibition of books and a craft tent was set up in the space in honor of Luíza Bairros (in memoriam), former minister of the Department of Policies for the Promotion of Racial Equality. 

For the 10th semester student of the Cleyciane de Oliveira Psychology course, the event was interesting for bringing themes such as the National Comprehensive Health Policy for the Black Population.

The student highlighted the importance of debate for her training as a psychologist, considered a profession that enables the transformation of society, especially in ethnic-racial issues. "It is necessary to debate racism in academia, and the Bahiana it is opening the doors to these ethnic-racial discussions and the inclusion of these people in the health field”, said the student who, at the moment, works in care for the SUS. “Most of the patients are black and I don't see this discussion of racism there to take care of this subject, who is both the victim and the aggressor”.

On the 21st, the program ended with a presentation by Grupo Adolescer com Arte and, on the 22nd, a workshop was held by Prof. Dr. Isabel Cruz focused on teaching, emphasizing the inclusion of racism in health education.