
Dean of Research and Innovation holds XNUMXst NIT Workshop

Registration for the second edition is open.


On August 20, the first workshop of the training cycle of the Technological Innovation Center (NIT) was held at the Academic Unit Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The program was an initiative of the Pro-Rectory of Research & Innovation of Bahiana and brought together academics, professors and researchers addressing the main concepts of innovation applied to health and strategies to boost creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit.

During the workshop, participants also tried the "Business Model Canvas" tool, which enables the transformation of ideas into innovative businesses. Bahiana promoted the activity in order to train participants in solving challenges in large companies.

The second edition of the workshop will be held on September 17, from 9 am to 12 pm, at the Academic Unit Cabula da Bahiana, addressing the theme "Strategic Use of Intellectual Property in Research & Development Projects".

Click here to complete your registration.