
XII Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana discusses humanization in the training of health professionals

Interdisciplinarity was also the theme of the meeting that brought together professors from all the institution's courses.


O processo de ensino-aprendizagem em saúde a partir dos conceitos de humanização e interdisciplinaridade foi a temática que norteou o XII Fórum Pedagógico da Bahiana, which took place on the 26th and 27th of August, at the Cabula Academic Unit and which, in this edition, had the motto "Na Batida do Seu Coração".

to the dean of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, this year's theme highlights the importance of humanization in the pedagogical scope, between teachers and students, which will directly reflect on the relationship of these future professionals with their patients. “We know that taking care of a person is taking care of a whole being. It must be taken into account that he is not alone, but that there are other people, the family, the community in which he lives and, therefore, this set must also be perceived. We are here to train a health professional, a person who can work with all of this, with knowledge, with technique, but also with the heart. The heart is full of a set, you can't take it away from knowledge, from science”, he declared.


The program, carefully prepared and coordinated by the Institutional Program for Teacher Development (PROIDD), which is headed by the professor of the Dentistry course, Sandra Brasil, had a roundtable, lectures and workshops and brought guests from Bahia institutions and from other Brazilian states.

"Our objective this year was to bring the teacher a reflection on the humanized relationship with the student, so that he can replicate it with his patient", explained Prof. Sandra Brasil, adding that the event is also intended to provide for the teacher situations in which he thinks about working better with interdisciplinarity. “Building a transversal view since the student's entry into college, he will be able to deal with colleagues from other professions in a different way, understanding that power is distributed among all people, including between the patient and health professionals. So it's a horizontalization of relationships. This favors humanization”, he concluded.


Professors and coordinators of all undergraduate and graduate programs at the Bahiana, managers of operational and administrative centers, such as Luiza Ribeiro (People Development); Angelica Mendes (Psychopedagogical Care); Margot Soliani (Communication and Marketing); Jucinara Menezes (Pedagogical Supervision), the Deans of Research and Innovation, Prof. Atson Fernandes; Extension Course, Prof. Carolina Pedroza and Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching, Prof. Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomes.


The work began on Friday morning, August 26, when the roundtable "Humanized and interdisciplinary practices in health education" was held, with the mediator of Prof. Iêda Aleluia, PhD in Medicine and Human Health for the Bahiana, teacher of Bahiana and from UNEB and specialist in Education by FAIMER-Brasil.

On the occasion, the participants were also able to hear the speech of Prof. Ana Rita Queiroz Ferraz, PhD in Education and Contemporary from the State University of Bahia, UEFS professor and coordinator of the Research and Extension Group Arts of the Body: memory, image and imaginary of UEFS. In her participation, she spoke about the theme "Interdisciplinarity in pedagogical training in health".

Still in the morning shift, Prof. Sérgio Zaidhaft, professor of Medical Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine of UFRJ and of the Medicine course at Universidade Estácio de Sá, president of the Bioethics Commission of the University Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho-UFRJ, delivered the lecture "Humanization in teaching and professional practice: challenges and strategies". "We had a discussion about what humanization is, about the viability of it. We raised the question of what this term is, the challenges and possible strategies for this humanization to happen", explained the professor. About your passage through Bahiana, he highlighted the spontaneity and creative character of the faculty and the unprecedented initiatives, such as the Formative Selection Process. "For me, what was most striking of all was the atmosphere of the institution, which seemed to me to be extremely creative, open. I think this motivates all the professors and students as well, that they are in a living institution, that they are not it's something paralyzed and frozen. There were some more specific things that I'm going to take advantage of, such as the appreciation of the pedagogue here at the institution, the process of accessing courses here (Prosef), so I found this whole experience very rich."


The program continued in the afternoon with the workshop "The narrative as a path to humanized practice", conducted by Prof. Maria Amélia Mano, a doctor from UFPEL, Master in Education from UFRGS, specialist in Family and Community Medicine from the Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine. She reported that the workshop was built in conjunction with the PROIDD commission and that it aimed to broaden the teacher's reflection on the use of narrative in daily health education. "I spoke about Narrative Medicine, but not as a counterpoint to evidence-based medicine, but as another possibility. The idea was to be able to give new meaning to our process, which is sometimes so complicated within healthcare and care. a workshop based on some texts that raised questions in people who built stories based on their practices. I was very surprised to see how the people who participated were restless and, at the same time, were so creative," said the teacher.

For Maria Amélia, the experiences shared during the two days of the forum motivate her to return to the institution to get to know and better experience the practices carried out. "I think that Bahiana it's a place to come back to. There were two super-intense days in which teachers presented very innovative experiences, very different, applicable to our practice. I am a health worker, above all, so we always look for things that are applicable, practical and viable".

During the second day of work, the participants were able to learn about the results of the Good Ideas Workshop of the XI Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (2015). Experiences of the “Interdisciplinary GIS: transversal themes in health” were presented by the professor of Dentistry, Fernando Bastos Pereira Júnior and the interdisciplinary activities of Complexo Vida Plena, by the professor of the Psychology course, Nádia Matos.


The theme “Matriciation in the Candeal Program” was conducted by the coordinator of the program and professor of the Physiotherapy course, Lavínia Boaventura. According to her, the new phase of the Candeal Program arose from a demand raised by the students themselves. “They always asked when they could come back, so the Redes Candeal project will work with students who have already gone through the program, now as matrix supporters. The proposal is also that we manage to make the articulation of our internal networks with community leaders, health production spaces, whether health units or other social facilities”.

"Interdisciplinary practices of Bahiana” was the experience presented by the professor of the Medicine course and the medical director of the Teaching-Assistance Outpatient Clinic of the Bahiana, Dr. Humberto Castro Lima Filho. In his explanation, he showed the changes by which the clinics of the Bahiana have been passing through, in order to promote an interdisciplinary service, both in promoting better patient care and in the multidisciplinary training of students of the Bahiana.

The professor of the Nursing course at Bahiana Artur Gomes Dias Lima highlighted the forum as one of the institution's peculiarities. “The event's success comes from the first edition. It's a private thing from Bahiana and that we always think about how to extrapolate to other institutions. The forum is fantastic when it adds knowledge, perspective, oxygenation to other people. And this year brings a theme that, in a way, is part of everyday life, which, in general, is health education. These are special moments with wonderful guests that the Bahiana brings to lecture within that context. Success!".

Participating in the forum for the first time, the professor of the Nursing course at UNEB Denise Batalha noted as the event's highlights the proposal to reflect and rethink her role as a professor. “It was a very important moment that made us reflect and, when we reflect, we change practices and modify behavior. I congratulate the forum, it was a very gratifying opportunity for me”.

Gold Butterfly Trophy


Recognition for the commitment to promoting the ongoing training of the faculty of the Bahiana took the Borboleguim de Ouro trophy this time to the PROIDD coordinator and, for the fifth time, the coordinator of the Pedagogical Forum of the Bahiana, Prof. Sandra Brasil. “I was extremely happy, because it is a very important tribute for all of us at Bahiana. Receiving this award is very gratifying because our work is being well received by the teachers, the board, the coordinators and this brings great joy and encouragement to continue doing more and better”.     

The Borboleguim de Ouro trophy is an award created in 2010 and delivered during the Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana to professors who were highlighted for their collaboration in the construction of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge, acting both within the institution and for the good of society.


The XII Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana it had the participation of the ballet corps of the Teatro Castro Alves Ballet, which elaborated a work of dance and body expression especially for the occasion, taking into account the motto "Na beat of your heart". The artistic intervention marked the end of the activities and was followed by a conversation between the artists, teachers, collaborators and pedagogues that proposed a reflection on the desire to make art and how to apply it in education.

CLICK HERE to see the photos of the 1st Day of the XII Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (Friday).

CLICK HERE to see the photos of the 2st Day of the XII Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (Saturday).