
Bahiana is one of the 80 best large companies to work for in Brazil

Great Place to Work 2016 again rewards Bahiana, now in the national ranking.


Fomentar uma cultura institucional baseada nos valores Servir, Empreender, Aprender, Ensinar e Comunicar tem rendido à Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública an important recognition among its employees: it is, yes, a good place to work!

This assessment, carried out by the institution's own employees, was once again awarded by the Great Place to Work Institute, a global research, consulting and training company that after conferring the GPTW Award on Bahiana for the third consecutive time, in May this year, as one of the five best companies to work for in Bahia, it once again awards the institution, now within the Brazilian ranking. On the last 15th of August, the Bahiana was one of the 150 winners of the national award, being among the 80 best large companies in a universe of 1.563 organizations.

The award ceremony took place at Espaço das Américas in São Paulo and had representatives from Bahiana the Administrative and Financial coordinator, Emanoel Souza, and the Human Resources manager, Telma Bastos. "Represent the Bahiana at such an important time as this, it is a great honor to receive an award such as the Great Place to Work that takes place all over the world with the same standards and requirements and to see that we are meeting these demands makes us realize that this is a reflection of synergy that we have with institutional values. THE Bahiana it made no move to win this award, it was born out of spontaneity, from what the company actually is, in its essence, because it is a natural process for employees, the award comes from their recognition. Despite having a national visibility, it is, in fact, very important for the institution, as it is conferred according to the evaluation of those who carry out the Bahiana, who owns the institution".

Among the competing companies were the energy distributor Elektro, Google and the mining company Sama, which achieved the first positions in the large, medium multinational and national medium categories. THE Bahiana was among the 80 large companies.

"Being among the 80 best large companies to work for in Brazil was the happy result of a challenge launched to the Human Resources area about six years ago. At the time, our desire was to one day be among the top 100 companies in the country Three years ago, for the first time, we participated in the GPTW survey carried out in Bahia, which began to take place in that year of 2013. Since then, we have been part of all editions and have always been among the top five in the state. 2016, we also entered the national survey for the first time and were surprised by the excellent result", celebrates the dean of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani.

The director emphasizes that the survey consists of a questionnaire answered by employees from all areas, chosen by GPTW, without any interference from the institution. "Since the beginning, our main objective was to get to know better the vision that our employees have of the institution, so that we can improve our practices and our relationship on a daily basis, making it a stimulating and pleasant place to work and socialize, based on a methodology applied in several countries. This year's result shows that we are in the right direction and that this award was built by all of us. It also shows that we still have a lot to do and improve, which we consider a precious opportunity to improve and create new ways of be, do and live in our dear BAHIANA. We are very proud of this award and feel more challenged for the coming years", declares Soliani.


The Great Palce to Work Institute, GPTW, has been studying and identifying the best companies to work for for 20 years. Today, the mapping reaches 53 countries, listening to more than 12 million employees about the work environment and internal policies that involve employees. If the companies involved are not able to obtain a satisfactory assessment and want to improve their results, the Institute offers consulting and training programs for employees in order to improve the work environment of these organizations. In its third edition in Bahia, GPTW heard 34 employees from 36 companies that participated in the survey. Among them, only 10 were awarded, totaling 8,6 employees.