
Bahiana is featured at the XXVII Brazilian Congress of Anatomy in Natal

NEPA and NEPAR presented 15 scientific papers among free themes and posters on Health Education, with an emphasis on the teaching model of Anatomy.


From the 20th to the 23rd of July, the Center for Teaching and Research in Anatomy (NEPA), together with its Extension Project for the Center for Teaching and Research in Radiological Anatomy (NEPAR), presented 15 scientific papers, including free themes and posters on Education in Health, with emphasis on the teaching model of Anatomy, at the XXVII Brazilian Congress of Anatomy, in Natal.

The event was attended by Prof. Rinaldo Antunes Barros, teaching coordinator of NEPA and Biomorphology I and II of the Medicine course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, as well as Prof. Carolina Freitas Lins, teaching coordinator at NEPAR and professor of Introduction to Operative Technique. They appeared as students of the Bahiana 20 monitors, including Igor Queiroz, Leonardo Pereira, Lucas Mendes, Rodrigo Pato, Ariel Freitas, Gabriela Bagano, Júlia Gama, Natália Figueiredo, Paula Costa, Alice Vianna, Filipe Ferreira, Gil Mário Carvalho Júnior, Juliana Reis, Matheus Mendes, Natália Oliveira, Aderbal Pereira Júnior, Giulia Pinho, Milton Melo, Ravi Mendes and Victor Santos.

During the congress, NEPA monitors had the opportunity to share numerous experiences in the field of Anatomy teaching, including the immense satisfaction of meeting in person Professor Carlos Machado, professor at the University of Texas (USA) and illustrator of the NETTER Anatomy Atlas , one of the best sellers in the world. “With drawings and paintings in vivid colors and intense luminosity, the author did not portray the anatomy of corpses, but that of living beings like us, who, enchanted, leaf through the books of the Netter Collection”, justifies Carlos Machado.

“The NEPA monitors demonstrated an unparalleled technical capacity, but the greatest shine was established by the example of unity, companionship, solidarity and love for what is done. Therefore, we are a family that goes beyond monitoring”, confirms Prof. Rinaldo Barros. 

Also according to coordinator Rinaldo Barros, NEPA is characterized as a strong teaching nucleus due to its organization, commitment, seriousness and professionalism in the execution of its activities, revealing itself as a great training center for future medical professors.

Among the works presented, it is worth highlighting the "JOURNEY OF MEDICAL ANATOMY OF BAHIA (JAMEB) AS AN APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE - AN INTERSECTION PROPOSAL", in which NEPA demonstrated the capacity to carry out a large-scale scientific event, entirely organized by students and striving for the excellence of its programming. 

At the congress, the launch video of the II Journey of Medical Anatomy of Bahia (II JAMEB) was presented, which will take place on September 15, 16 and 17, 2016, at the Centro de Convenções do Cabula.

"Working with a group of students like those at NEPA is a source of pride, demonstrating that the Bahiana has five stars, mainly for human capital, in which our own academics insist on being Bahiana as active beings in their learning process. Immensely happy to lead a group like NEPA”, celebrates Prof. Rinaldo.

Check out the photos.