
Public Hearing "The Challenges of Nursing in the Voice of Workers" is held at the City Council of Salvador

Programming honored nursing professionals.


On May 17, nursing professors and students from Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública participated in the Public Hearing that addressed the theme “The Challenges of Nursing in the Voice of Workers”, held at the City Council of Salvador.

The event was organized by councilor Aladilce Souza in honor of the nursing profession. Representatives of the Regional Nursing Council (Coren-BA), Nurse Dr. Maria Luísa de Castro Almeida; of the Association Bahiana of Nursing (ABEN-Ba), Nurse Dr. Tânia Neves Bulcão; of the Union of Nurses of Bahia (SEEB), Nurse Dr. Lucia Duque, as well as of the Union of Health Workers (STS), by its president, Mr. Silvio Roberto dos Anjos e Silva and of the Academic Directory of Nursing (DAE ), student of the Nursing course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Adriana Coelho.

The program had the participation of other health institutions that were represented by public and private hospitals, basic health units through their categories nurses, technicians and nursing assistants.


Initially, there was a tribute presented by the City Council choir and, later, several nursing professionals were highlighted by their institutions, being honored as representatives of their peers nurses, technicians and nursing assistants.

From the composition of the opening table, moments of reaffirmation of recognition and honorable mentions were experienced, and the audience was presented with the positions presented by each member of the table, regarding the value of health work, the nursing category and multidisciplinary work , as well as formulations about the labor market, its restrictions and precariousness, but mainly about the autonomy and empowerment of the Nursing category in the process of health promotion and defense of the Unified Health System (SUS).

Professor M.ª Sandra Portella, professor of the Nursing course at Bahiana, addressed the meaning of human care, as well as the importance of everyone knowing their rights and duties as citizens and health professionals.

The participation of the student Adriana Coelho, from the 5th semester, president of the Academic Directory of Nursing at the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde pública, about the role of nursing and its expression of knowledge regarding “Human Care”. The student, together with the plenary, debated issues related to professional autonomy in nursing and its construction from legal technical-scientific foundations and for the development of a citizen practice. He also approached, with great mastery, excellent forwarding of ideas and an adequate posture as a representative of the academic directory, in a reflective critical analysis, in which he expressed, with determination, that "autonomy is not an individual issue, but the development of technical skills -scientific, social and political”. 

The student was applauded by the plenary in a motion of absolute agreement, with the position of the nursing students, represented by her.


“As I listened to the coherence and passion with which our student positioned herself and mobilized everyone, I felt my heart beat faster. I'm very proud of these academics who are being prepared under our eyes and careful guidance”, says Professor Sandra Portella, present at the event and accompanying a group of 15 students determined to make up this space for discussion about the world of nursing work.

In the plenary, everyone was very reflective and honored by the referral that the Bahiana has offered to its academics, thus strengthening the Nursing profession. The references and congratulations expressed in words and applause affirmed that this is a higher education institution and a Nursing course that demonstrate the concern with critical and reflective training, based on ethics and in the practice of activities that will certainly favor insertion of good professionals in the job market in the Nursing category.

Honorably, the School received an official letter No. 752/16, dated May 3, 2016, from the City Council, addressed to the coordinator of the Nursing course, Prof. M.ª Cristiane Magali Freitas dos Santos, congratulating the students of the Nursing course on the World Nurse's Day, celebrated on May 12th.

“We realized that empowering ourselves with knowledge, in addition to technical-scientific knowledge, which are very important, we also need empowerment in political knowledge. So, through this perception, the need arose to have an academic directory in the faculty to represent students, meet demands and promote political awareness. 'Nurses who only know nursing, don't know anything', concludes the DAE representative, Adriana Coelho da Silva.


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