
CEDIMI is awarded the prize for best work at a congress in Japan

The study was presented by the professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana and coordinator of the Center for Voiding Disorders in Childhood, Dr. Ubirajara Barroso Jr.


O Centro de Distúrbios Miccionais na Infância (CEDIMI), uma iniciativa da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Púbica e reconhecido como referência nacional no tratamento de alterações miccionais na infância, foi contemplado com mais uma conquista, obtendo o prêmio de melhor trabalho no congresso da International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS), nos dias 30 de junho a 2 de julho, em Kyoto (Japão). O estudo foi apresentado pelo coordenador do CEDIMI e professor do curso de Medicina da Bahiana, Dr. Ubirajara Barroso Jr., together with the head of the Department of Uropediatrics of the Brazilian Society of Urology (SBU), Dr. José Murillo Bastos Netto.

The work entitled “Lower urinary tract symptoms in children are associated with urinary symptoms in their mothers” (Lower urinary tract symptoms in children are associated with urinary symptoms in their mothers) was developed over five months with 823 pairs (mothers and children) in cities of Salvador (BA) and Juiz Fora (MG), pointing out the relationship between overactive bladder in mothers and their children.

The study was coordinated by Dr. Ubirajara Barroso Jr., being carried out in conjunction with Dr. José Murillo Bastos Netto, associate professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, and the doctoral student at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Ariane Sampaio Sousa.

According to Dr. Ubirajara Barroso, the study developed is a pioneer in the literature, showing that mothers who have symptoms of urinary urgency and urinary incontinence are 2,8 times more likely to have children with the same behavior. “Always this problem was studied separately, there was no connection. The study found that 12% of mothers and 10% of children had an overactive bladder. This gives us an idea of ​​a national perspective on the prevalence of the problem”, he explains.

During the congress, the best works in the world addressing the theme of voiding changes in children were presented. “To be awarded at a congress where the world's leading researchers on the subject are present is already a source of pride. It is a great stimulus for us to continue working. Furthermore, new perspectives are opened. We were invited, along with New York Medical College and Dr. Israel Franco, to investigate why this relationship between mothers and children has the same problem”, says Dr. Ubirajara Barroso.

The doctor also highlights actions that have been carried out at the center as innovative treatments in neuromodulation for the treatment of children with day and night incontinence (nocturnal enuresis). “Today we can say that we are one of the world leaders in innovation for the treatment of urinary incontinence in children”, celebrates the urologist.


CEDIMI is one of the reference centers of the Teaching-Care Clinic of the Bahiana (ADAB) and deals with voiding changes in childhood, through multidisciplinary care with pediatric urologists, physiotherapists, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, in addition to complete urodynamic equipment.

The free service takes place once a week, always on Wednesdays, from 13pm.

Teaching-Assistance Outpatient Clinic of Bahiana (ADAB)
Av. Dom João VI, 275 – Brotas - Salvador BA
Tel .: (71) 3276 8200