
Improvement Course in Clinical Physiotherapy in the Outpatient Setting

Open for subscriptions.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública from August 1 to 9, the Improvement Course in Clinical Physiotherapy in the Outpatient Setting is carried out, with the aim of improving the knowledge inherent to working in outpatient units in the context of prevention, rehabilitation and research.

The course also aims to deepen the physiotherapist's knowledge about the clinical manifestations of diseases in various organs, encompassing diagnostic, prognostic and interventional aspects; to improve the level of care provided by the physiotherapist within the scope of outpatient physiotherapy, by updating guidelines, consensus and guidellines, providing an experience of interprofessional care and offering a channel of dialogue with several renowned professionals in the area.

The course will enable the graduate to properly build a resume, preparing them for job interviews. In addition, the entrepreneurial profile will be encouraged, so that he can manage his career.

The program proposal is in accordance with the pedagogical project of the Physiotherapy course at Bahiana, in line with the National Curriculum Guidelines and in accordance with existing public health policies, promoting a learning environment for graduates who wish to continue their professional training.

The services will be carried out at the Teaching-Care Clinic of the Bahiana (ADAB), in outpatient clinics for smoking, neuromuscular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, HTLV and obesity, where screening, guidance, evaluations, assistance will be carried out, in addition to the prescription of auxiliary devices for walking and CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure -Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). Participants will also be encouraged to carry out research and social responsibility actions.

Five places will be made available and registrations can be made until the 25th of July.

Click here to see the notice.


Secretariat for Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation and Extension

Academic Unit Brotas 
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Cabula Academic Unit
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206