
Bahiana holds the Human Rights and Mental Health Meeting

Programming will be in partnership with Juspopuli bringing together professors and students in the health area.


On March 19, from 8 am to 15 pm, the Human Rights and Mental Health Meeting will take place at the Academic Unit Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The program integrates the activities of the specialization course "Mental Health and Primary Care" of the Bahiana, bringing together professors and students in the health area in order to understand the role of health professionals in the teams responsible for restorative actions, to discuss criminalization and violence from the perspective of health and social assistance, in addition to presenting the psychological dimension in situations of vulnerability that require interventions in the sense of Human Rights.

The event will be in partnership with Juspopuli, a non-profit organization that works to build a culture of human rights and strengthen citizenship.

Throughout the meeting, workshops will be held whose themes will be Human Rights as an axis of discussion on violence, crime, constituted rights, strategies, the role of the health professional, among others.

60 places will be made available and registrations can be made until March 18th. More information about fees and applications can be obtained from the Postgraduate, Research and Innovation and Extension Office at tel: 71. 3276-8265 and at the Cabula Academic Unit at tel: 71. 3257-8206.