
Bahiana participates in the XNUMXth ABEP National Meeting

Event took place in São Paulo.


On the 4th, 5th and 6th of September, a group of professors from the Psychology course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública participated in the XNUMXth National Meeting of the Brazilian Association for the Teaching of Psychology (ABEP), in São Paulo.

The central theme of the program was training in psychology in Brazil. The coordinator of the Psychology course, Sylvia Barreto, and the professors of the Bahiana, Ana Aparecida Martinelli Braga, Eliana Edington, Márcia Tironi, Myla Arouca and the psychologist from the Psychology Service, Rosenir Alcântara, who participated in the forums of course coordinators, internship supervisors and School-Service coordinators.

On the occasion, the following works were also presented: “Internship experience in Psychology” by Prof.ª Ana Aparecida Martinelli Braga; “Facilitators and barriers in the CBT orientation process in Psychology: the teacher's perspective”, by Prof. Márcia Tironi; “Clinical management supervision: challenges in the experience with Psychology Service graduates” by psychologist Rosenir Alcântara; “Pre-professional practices with Psychology students from 1st to 3rd year” by Prof. Eliana Edington and “Internship in Psychology: a teaching practice based on in-service learning” by Prof. Myla Arouca.