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V Researchers Forum


The V Researchers Forum of Bahiana took place in the auditorium of the Convention Center of the Bahiana, at the Cabula Academic Unit, this Thursday morning, October 01st, with the participation of professors and undergraduate and graduate students, members of invited research groups, in addition to the presence of Prof. Dr. Mauricio Barreto, professor at UFBA and senior researcher at Fiocruz. The opening was attended by the director of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, from the Graduate and Undergraduate Coordinator, Prof. Maria de Lourdes Freitas, the Research and Innovation Coordinator at Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Diego Menezes and the Extension Coordinator, Prof. Carolina Pedroza.

During the program, a round table was presented with the theme “Research in the scope of Post-Graduation Strictu Senso da Bahiana – Current scenario and perspectives”, composed by Prof. Dr. Diego Menezes, Prof. Dr. Urbino Tunes, Prof. Dr Ana Marice Ladeia and Prof. Dr. Marcos Almeida.

According to Prof. Dr. Diego Menezes, Research and Innovation coordinator at Bahiana, the V Forum of Researchers of the Bahiana it was a very rich moment. “We started the program listening to Prof. Dr. Mauricio Barreto, a scientist with strong national and international recognition and 1A CNPq researcher, who spoke about the parameters used by science to assess the scientific knowledge produced by Brazilian scientists”, he explains.

Subsequently, there was a discussion about the research carried out by students and professors of the institution's master's and doctoral courses, at which time young beginners in the world of science were able to answer their doubts about how to enter strictu sensu graduate programs. 

Finally, we ended the morning with the delivery of the Prof. Humberto Castro Lima, a distinction that the Bahiana annually, grants to the most productive researcher, based on the analysis of the Lattes curriculum, considering: the production of scientific articles, the guidance of undergraduate and graduate students, participation in national and international scientific events, among other aspects.

"The award was created during the management of Prof. Dr. Kátia Sá, currently coordinator of the Scientific Communication Nucleus (NUC), and was deservedly named after Prof. Dr. Humberto Castro Lima, renowned ophthalmologist, also idealizer, founder and director of the Brazilian Institute of Ophthalmology and Prevention of Blindness (IBOPC), for everything he has been and for everything he has done as a doctor, teacher, citizen and educator, especially for the Bahiana” declares Dr. Diego Menezes.

In the afternoon shift, the XIII PIBIC Journey was held with the presentation of the research work carried out by the 2014-2015 scholarship holders.

Professor Humberto Castro Lima Award

During the programming of the V Forum, the researcher of the year 2014/2015 was awarded. The winner of the 2015 Researcher of the Year award went to Prof. Luis Cláudio Correia, professor of the undergraduate course in Medicine, as well as the Master's and Doctoral programs in Medicine and Human Health (PPgMSH) and in Health Technologies (PPgTecS). According to data presented by doctors Maria Luisa Soliani and Diego Menezes, during the announcement of the award, Prof. Luis Cláudio has published 78 scientific articles, 6 scientific initiation guidelines and 16 master's and doctoral degrees, in addition to several other indicators of scientific productivity.