
October 3 - Professor Humberto de Castro Lima's birthday

Bahiana celebrates 91 years of one of the great names in its history.


This Saturday, October 3rd, Humberto de Castro Lima would turn 91 years old.

Honorary President and General Coordinator of the Foundation Bahiana for the Development of Sciences, Humberto served, with tenacity, idealism and extraordinary effort, the noblest aspirations of Bahian society. Renowned ophthalmologist, he was also the founder, founder and director of the Brazilian Institute of Ophthalmology and Prevention of Blindness (IBOPC).

Professor Humberto de Castro Lima


Born on October 3, 1924, in Salvador, son of Cesar de Castro Lima and Leonor Damásio de Castro Lima. 

“My mother,” he said, “was a friend and counselor, small and strong; my father was tall, brave, affectionate and explosive.” “I saw Unhão, where we dived from its crane, in jumps that weren't always very ornamental. I saw the forts of Gamboa, São Pedro, Santo Antônio, Santa Maria and Farol da Barra. I saw the Passeio Público, with its zoo. I saw boys from São Raimundo, from Brotas, Rio Vermelho, Campo da Pólvora, dos Aflitos, boys and adolescents in organized, heroic bands, training to be adults, fighting among themselves and conquering terrains more imaginary than real, throughout the process in which the fantasy of conquest or loss of everything, of glory or disgrace, of power and subjugation, of punishment or forgiveness, of being a hero or being a coward, of being cunning or innocent, gradually gave way over the years to the reality of life. .

He completed his preparatory studies in Salvador and entered the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, from which he graduated in 1948.

Seeking to acquire solid training in ophthalmology, he went to the United States, where he did a postgraduate degree as a resident and surgeon at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. In 1970, he would return to the same center to expand his knowledge.

His participation in national and international congresses, awards and honors, extension and specialization courses made the young ophthalmologist one of the best known and most respected in the country. Enthusiast of science and academia, he was a doctor of medicine, lecturer, clinical assistant at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and eye clinic assistant at the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and full professor, by competition.

For all he has been and for all he has done as a doctor, teacher, citizen and educator, Humberto de Castro Lima is recognized by health professionals and all Brazilians who benefited from his vocation.