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NAPP celebrates 15 years


New from Bahiana, Scientific and Cultural Exhibition, August of the Arts, Talked Cinema, Poetry Circuit. Many have heard of or even participated in some of these actions that represent the lively extra-class academic activity of the Bahiana and that are headed by the Psicopedagógica Care Nucleus – NAPP. Last August 6, NAPP celebrated its 15 years of activities with the lecture “Can Death Wait? Ethical and clinical specificities of suicide”, with psychologist and psychoanalyst Soraya Carvalho (check interview).

The audience was attended by students from different courses, professors and employees. Among those present, former NAPP technical coordinators Prof. Maria Antonieta Araújo and Prof. Mônica Daltro.

In addition to promoting the mental health of students at the Bahiana with preventive and assistance actions, the NAPP is now responsible for cultural projects and actions within the institution with the objective of stimulating the interaction of students with biopsychosocial diversity.

The nucleus also advises undergraduate courses in accordance with the Institutional Pedagogical Project, through specific pedagogical strategies, promoting the enrichment of the professional training process from the perspective of complementarity and collaboration between knowledge.

"NAPP works with students in the perspective of promoting preventive and care actions, focusing on the appreciation of subjective aspects that emerge throughout the training process, as well as stimulating cultural projects promoting the coexistence of students with diversity", summarizes the NAPP technical coordinator, Angélica Mendes.

One of the points that catches the attention of the student of the 1st semester of the Physiotherapy course, Marina Silva Brasil, is the encouragement given by the NAPP when it comes to interaction with society. "I think it's wonderful, because NAPP seeks to involve students with the institution and society and even with things that we think have nothing to do with the course, with training and that will help a lot."

"I am a regular at NAPP. I really like the work they provide for us in the care of our mental health and I could see that it helps all students at the institution a lot without categorizing the needs of each one. This lecture managed to bring which one it was the starting point of the NAPP that today is able to understand the needs of students and even helping to organize their studies, complete their tasks and even understand their desires, which is often not easy to see ”, reports Lucas Almeida Couto, 2nd semester student of Psychology.