
Enrollment is open for specialization in Implantology at Bahiana

Enrollments from June 1st to June 10th.


Registration for the Specialization in Implantology of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública until May 29, at the Cabula Academic Unit.

The course is coordinated by professors Me. Morbeck dos Santos Leal Junior and Dr. Maurício Andrade Barreto and aims to guide dentistry professionals to work in the field of implant dentistry, diagnosing and treating tooth loss, as well as maintaining peri-health. -implement, based on current ethical and scientific concepts, stimulating scientific production and constant updating of knowledge and its practical application.

Enrollment will be held from the 1st to the 10th of June and the course will have a workload of 1.034 hours.

Information about the selection process, start of classes and prices can be requested from the Graduate, Research and Extension Departments of Academic Units. Brotas and Cabula, by tel. 71. 3276-8265 and 3257-8206, or even by e-mails and

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