
Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana reaches 10th edition

Event proposed a reflective balance on the curriculum of the institution's courses.


A vast cycle of interactive lectures involved teachers, on August 15th and 16th, when the 10th edition of the Pedagogical Forum of the Bahiana, which took place at the institution's Convention Center, at the Cabula Academic Unit. The event is a realization of the Institutional Program for Teacher Development, coordinated by Prof. Sandra Brasil.

During the first day's program, the themes "Communication skills in health education", "Authentic learning and feedback" and "Curriculum and transversal skills" were discussed in lectures given by invited experts. The event had the active participation of the director of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, from the People Development coordinator at Bahiana, Luiza Ribeiro, from members of the Pedagogical Supervision Service and the Pedagogical Care Center, in addition to the coordinators of the undergraduate courses.

                  Group of teachers from Bahiana                                                        Prof. Sandra Brazil

Post-doctorate in Medical Education from Drexel University College of Medicine – Philadelphia, PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Master in Mother and Child Health from the University of London, Prof. Dr. Suely Grosseman focused on from its presentation to communication in health education, showing what and how to teach and how to assess the communication skills of students in the education process.

Then Prof. Dr. Ruy Souza, Master in Education for Health Professions from Maastricht University, Netherlands, and Master in Medicine (Neurology) from Universidade Federal Fluminense spoke about the importance of evaluating student feedback punctuating, in his presentation, strategies on how it should be given feedback, in order to promote the development of relational competence and authentic learning for a humanistic education in health. 

 Prof. Dr. Ruy Souza, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Soliani and Prof. Dr. Suely Grosseman

The program for the first day was completed with the participation of Prof. Dr. Ivonete Barreto de Amorim, a pedagogue with a doctorate in Family from the Contemporary Society, from the Catholic University of Salvador and a master's degree in Education and Contemporaneity from UNEB. With the theme "the curriculum and transversal skills", the master in education presented the characteristics of a curriculum, its structure and the ways in which it works in the health area, including the networks of interpersonal relationships that are established in this context.

"Participation grew a lot and, in relation to the other forums, it was very light, close. The programming was very pleasant", declared the pedagogical supervisor, Narciso Paiva. 

One of the points that caught the attention of the professor of the Nursing course and vice-coordinator of Graduate Studies, Research and Extension of the Bahiana, Carolina Pedroza, was the approach around communication in health education. "Communication is a competence that is included in the curriculum guidelines, as a competence that is general for all health professionals. The speeches of the two guests highlighted this, more than the importance, it is "how to develop this competence". Strategies they need to be demanded from the curricula, in order to work in a transversal way", declared the professor. “Prof. Ruy brought 'what is feedback', its importance and, above all, whether it provides authentic knowledge, both for the teacher and for the student”, adds Pedroza.

Neojibá Partnership
The second day was awakened by the beauty and sensitivity of the Castro Alves orchestra, from the Neojibá Project, which held a concert especially for the teachers at the Pedagogical Forum. At the time, another new partnership was announced, this time involving the Bahiana and the Project. "This partnership is a great joy for Neojibá, because, as an institution from Bahia, it is very good when we find another institution, also from Bahia, that shares the same values ​​that we have. I see two main values ​​that we share. One is belief in education and in the formation of a better society, through better people, and the other is the pursuit of excellence, because excellence is also a factor of transformation. Bahiana will greatly benefit our members and their families and the community of Bahiana also", emphasizes the institutional director of Neojibá, Beth Ponte.


"The community of Bahiana is very excited. I think it's a dream to have them with us. It will be an incredible exchange, as they have a lot to pass on to us. Bring music to our teachers, students. Citizenship education is also our motto. I think we are sister institutions, really", pointed out Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani.

The partnership between the two institutions provides for outpatient care for musicians who are members of the orchestras of the Neojibá Project, by graduate students from the Bahiana, in supervised internship.

Golden butterfly
Another point of great emotion among those present was the delivery of the Borboleguim Gold Trophy, an award created in 2010 and given during the event to professors who stood out for their collaboration in the construction of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge, working both within the institution and for the good of society. This year, the Pedagogue Marina Araújo and Prof. Antonio Carlos Costa, manager of CEDETE.

                                               Prof. Antonio Carlos Costa                                                     Prof.ª Marina Araújo                                                                            

According to Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, the holding and success of the forum "are part of our growth, our maturation, within the process of being able to assess ourselves individually and as an institution". As for the Golden Butterfly awards, she says that "recognizing, we always do. We are formalizing some recognitions. We are more systematizing the process of evaluating the performance of teachers and all employees. We are learning to do this and making this public recognition is important, because the good things we have must be talked about, must be shared".

The program was followed by the presentation of the Blog do PROID, carried out by the Communication and Marketing manager of the Bahiana, Regina Carvalho, alongside Prof. Sandra Brasil.

To finalize the activities, under the coordination of Dr. Maria Luisa Soliani, the interactive lecture "The evolution of the curriculum of courses at Bahiana" which had as debaters Prof. Dr. Suely Grosseman and Prof. Dr. Ivonete Amorim. The coordinators of the undergraduate courses, Prof. Me. Eliana de Paula (Medicine), Prof. Me. Luciana, participated in the debate Biliary (Physiotherapy), Prof. Dr. Geraldo Argolo (Biomedicine), Prof. Mother Maria de Lourdes de Freitas (Nursing), Prof. Mother Mônica Daltro (Psychology) and Prof. Dr. Urbino Tunes (Dentistry).


CLICK HERE to check the photos of the 1st Day of the X Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (Friday).

CLICK HERE to check the photos of the 2st Day of the X Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (Saturday).