

CAJU Forum turns 10 years old

Event welcomes young people in the green area of ​​the Cabula campus.


“University Extension: towards a countercolonial poetics”. This was the theme of the X Forum of the Youth Care Center (CAJU) which took place on September 29th, in the green area of ​​the Cabula campus. In its tenth edition, the CAJU Forum mobilized participants around the understanding of University Extension as countercolonial poetics, that is, a place of transit and sharing of knowledge and practices, where sciences and health training are deterritorialized by knowledge and folk healing and care practices. The idea was to hold a dialogue about extension as a vehicle for tension and critical provocation towards science and health training.

The opening of the event was attended by the coordinator of People Development, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, the dean of Extension, Dr. Carolina Pedroza, as well as the coordinator of CAJU, prof. Fábio Azevedo. "In these ten years, there have been several transformations of what was the initial idea of ​​CAJU, based on contacts with the demands of the communities, which led us to establish, in fact, an extension activity center aimed at promoting mental health of youth that involve students from the Bahiana, as students from the communities in which we work. With this focus, we have, over time, developed several projects such as self-narratives, exchanges of letters, musical initiatives, photography. We have a comprehensive and transversal vision of mental health. I am very happy, because for all these years we have received support from Bahiana in everything we have needed to carry out our actions", declared the CAJU coordinator.

The program included a kite making and handling workshop as a creative artistic activity, with social educator and choreographer Hebert Silva Santos. The highlight of the event was the conversation circle, "What and who is extension for?", which brought as guests the professor of authorial fashion designer Carol Barreto, the pedagogue and master in Education and Health, Selma Sousa, the psychologist from Instituto Oyá, Luciele Sales and architect and urban planner, Lucas Castro. The meeting was mediated by the Psychology course professor and member of CAJU, Dr. Milena Lisboa. Students from the Bahiana, members of the Network of Protagonists in Action of Itapagipe (Reprotai) and high school students. "We brought our students from Colégio Estadual Roberto Santos to experience this incredible exchange of ideas, exchange of knowledge. I congratulate Bahiana for the work done and, for us teachers, it was a very rich experience", said high school teacher, Jane Mary.

X Forum of the Youth Care Center (CAJU)

X Forum of the Youth Care Center (CAJU)