

August of the Arts mobilizes audiences on campuses Brotas and Cabula

The event involved students, teachers and employees in a celebration of the arts.


Music, poetry, theater, crafts, embroidery, drawing, photography and another diversity of artistic languages ​​marked the 2023 edition of the August of the Arts, which took place on the 29th and 30th, at Campus Brotas, and on the 31st, at the Campus Cabula da Bahiana. The event, which takes place annually, is organized by the Nucleus for Psychopedagogical Attention (NAPP) and, this year, students, teachers and employees participated who were able to show some of their artistic productions to the institution's community.

In preparation for the event, vacancies were offered, free of charge, for workshops in various artistic languages, which took place from August 22nd to 25th. Renata Berenstein, a psychologist at NAPP, highlighted the importance of student participation in organizing the event. “The student committee was super important for the great participation of the public. Many students signed up for the workshops and, when visiting the exhibition spaces, joined the movement, participating with their creations”. Medicine course professor Ieda Aleluia, who participated in the event with an exhibition of watercolors, highlighted the relationship between the arts and health education: “Art saves! Art makes you connect with yourself and the world. It is a form of expression and care”.

Student Isadora Pires de Oliveira, who participated with an embroidery stand, says that her relationship with art began in the pandemic, as a refuge: “As a student, it is clear that there are a series of benefits, we feel more comfortable with ourselves. itself, has more connection with the present, with our subjective, our singular. Particularly, I felt a great reduction in anxiety, an immense relaxation”.

August Of The Arts 2023

August Of The Arts 2023