

Bahiana participates, for the sixth time, in the European Congress of Radiology

School is present, for the sixth time, at an international event.


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The Radiological Applied Anatomy Monitoring of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública participated, for the 6th time, in the European Congress of Radiology, which takes place annually in Vienna, Austria. This year, the event was held from February 28th to March 3rd, with student Antônio Vitor Nascimento Martinelli Braga being awarded for his work entitled "Radiological Cases: Quiz Time! – A New Approach for the Education of Radiology", guided by professor Carolina Lins.

Only 32 works from around the world were selected and awarded a full scholarship consisting of travel, accommodation and registration at the conference. “Having the privilege of participating in the European Congress of Radiology was truly a milestone in my training to date. At this event, I was able to listen and talk to renowned professionals from all over the world, building bonds and learning, not only radiology, but several other attributes that I could not achieve otherwise”, declares the student.

According to Antônio, the work, built with the guidance of Prof. Carolina Lins and with the support of monitors from the Radiological Anatomy Monitoring (MAAR), today, gives back to the incentives of Bahiana, which can provide an even better education for students. “The main point I take away from this experience, in addition to all the academic learning, is the importance of believing in ourselves. During the period of construction and submission of the work, doubt and insecurity always permeate, but knowing that in itself Bahiana, and even at an international congress, people believe in you and in the work of MAAR, it is certainly the richest point of this experience”, concludes the student.