

Integrated Library System

Service to the external community -
mandatory presentation of proof of residence, RG and CPF, in order to register in the system as an external reader.

Service to the academic community -
upon presentation of student ID or functional badge.

User training program -
offers the academic community the knowledge necessary for the search and use of information resources, such as:

  • guided tour;
  • guidance in the preparation and standardization of technical-scientific works;
  • guidance on Bibliographic Standardization Systems;
  • guidance in the use of online sources and tools to access information;
  • guidance on the use of the Capes Journal Portal.

Loan -
 service for the exclusive use of registered students, teachers and employees, subject to the presentation of the student identification card or functional identification badge. Withdrawal will not be allowed for those who are late in returning any publication or with an outstanding fine.

  • For undergraduate, graduate and employees – up to 02 volumes.
  • For teachers and monitors – up to 03 volumes.
  • The length of stay is eight days for the academic period and 15 days during the academic vacation.
  • The user who delivers the title(s) before the established return date will accumulate bonuses, according to their anticipation. For every 30 bonus, an additional book loan will be allowed.
  • It can be renewed up to 3 times on the User Portal, for the same period, and in person, as many times as necessary. For both cases, it is necessary that the book is not in the reservation.

Reservation –
the user has the possibility to insert or delete his name in 10 booking lists in the User Portal. The service follows the chronological order in which the reservations were made and is scheduled to send notice by e-mail when the reserved material is available. The work will be reserved for a period of 48 hours and, if it is not withdrawn within that period, it will be made available to the next reader or it will return to the collection. Once the loan of the reserved work is completed, if the lessee's name appears in the reserve list of that same work in other libraries, that lessee will have his name automatically excluded from the system.

Devolution -
material borrowed must be returned, solely and exclusively, at the loan desk. Therefore, those left on the tables, counters and shelves of the library will not be considered given.

Interlibrary Loans (EEB) -
it is a loan modality in which the user can request bibliographic material from another library, which is not part of his/her institution of origin.

Cataloging in the publication -
service for preparing the catalog of the works generated in the Bahiana, which comprises the description of information necessary for the technical-scientific production to receive a standardized descriptive-thematic treatment, through the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2) international cataloging standards, allowing its effective recovery.

"Assistive" Technology for people with visual impairment - DOSVOX
- computer system for screen reading, based on the intensive use of voice synthesis, which is intended to facilitate the access of the visually impaired to computers.

Multimedia station -
microcomputers with Internet and Intranet access, to enable consultation of the library's collection, search in databases, virtual library, Portal do Aluno, Portal de Periódicos, etc.

Luggage storage –
it is exclusively intended for the safekeeping of users' belongings during their stay in the library. To gain access, the user must request the keys at the service desk, whose control is computerized. The key is the responsibility of the user and must remain in their possession during their stay in the library, who is not responsible for any valuables or objects left there. In case of loss or damage to the padlock, the user must reimburse the amount.