In line with institutional values, the extension programs and projects of the Bahiana carry out health education and care actions, focusing on the demands and needs present within partner institutions, local and regional communities and, above all, in their surroundings. In a relationship of social transformation, the Bahiana develops a permanent process of knowledge exchange, in the teaching-service-community interaction.
Extension Program Bahiana in Defense of Life
Teaching coordinator: Me Thiago Santos de Souza.
Candeal Networks Program
Teaching coordinators: Esp.ª Lavínia Boaventura Silva Martins and Dr. Gerfson Moreira Oliveira.
Cisma Program (Rerotai Collective) – Youth Care Center
Teaching coordinator: Me Fábio Giorgio Santos Azevedo.
Borders between Daily Life Programs: dialogues on health, daily life and ways of being – Youth Care Center
Coordination: prof.ª M.ª Veridiana Silva Machado and prof. Me. Luiz Paulo Carvalho Pires de Oliveira.
Caring for PICS Program - Center for Integrative and Complementary Practices
Teaching coordinator: M.ª Renata Roseghini.
Zero Caries Program
The Zero Caries program is part of the Clínica da Criança II curricular component and aims to maintain the oral health of patients.
Guidelines and Home Exercises for People with HAM/TSP
Teaching coordinator: Dr. Selena Márcia Dubois Mendes.
Nursing Care is Good: Neuroscience Center - HTLV Outpatient Clinic
Teaching coordinator: M.ª Aidê Nunes da Silva.
Nursing Care is Good: Neuroscience Center - Epilepsy Outpatient Clinic (care focused on women of childbearing age)
Teaching Coordinator: M. Ana Maria Cruz Santos
Nursing Care is Good: Surgical Center and Material and Sterilization Center of the Bahiana Dental Health
Teaching coordinators: Dr. Mary Gomes and MS. Alessandro Tartaglia
Nursing Care is Good: Women's Health Care Clinic
Teaching Coordinator: Specialist Gustavo Melo Vieira.
Nursing Care is Good: Neuroscience Center - Neuromuscular Outpatient Clinic
Teaching coordinator: Dr. Marilaine Menezes Ferreira.
Nursing Care is Good: Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Outpatient Clinic
Teaching coordinator: M. Claudete Dantas da Silva Varela.
Nursing Care is Good: Toxicological Information and Assistance Center of Bahia – CIATox-BA. Center for Suicide Studies and Prevention
Teaching coordinator: Dr. Cíntia Mesquita Correia.
Nursing Care is Good: Mental Health GRAND Madness Project “Group for Attention to the Needs of Madness”
Teaching coordinator: M. Mayara Novais Pereira Zandomingo.
Study and Monitoring Program for Overweight People (PEPE)
Teaching coordinators: Dr. Cátia Suely Palmeira and Dr. Maria de Lourdes Lima.
Health/Interprofessional Education Program
Coordinator: Dr. Carolina Pedroza de Carvalho Garcia.
Tutorial Education Program - PET Dentistry
Teaching coordinator: M. Sandra Lúcia Brasil Santos.
Tutorial Education Program - PET Biomedicine
Teaching coordinator: Dr. Sidney Carlos de Jesus Santana.
PEC Dentistry
Coordination: Dr. Urbino da Rocha Tunes.
PEC Psychology
Coordination: Dr. Sylvia Maria Barreto da Silva.
First Aid for All Project
Teaching Coordinator: Specialist André Dantas Zimmermann.
Pro-Apprentice Project
Teaching coordinator: M. Rosicleide Freitas.
Health Fair Project Caring is good
Teaching coordinator: M.ª Aidê Nunes da Silva.
Project Look (TE) – Art Looks for (In)sanity
Teaching coordinator: M.ª Mayara Novais Pereira Zadomingo.
Project Laboratory of Clinical Practices of Psychological Reception in the context of Covid-19
Teaching coordinator: Dr. Mônica Ramos Daltro.
Extension Project in Clinical Practices in Outpatient Child and Adolescent Gynecology
Teaching coordinator: Dr. Márcia Sacramento Cunha Machado.
Dean of Extension
WhatsApp: (71) 99379-2444 (available Monday through Friday, from 8h às 17h, and on Saturdays from 8h às 12h).