Mobility Program

Mobility Program

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Did you know that, if you are a stricto sensu undergraduate or graduate student (master's and doctorate) at Bahiana, do you have the possibility of studying or being a visiting research student at universities in other countries?

This movement, also called mobility, can be done as an exchange student or as an independent student (free-move student). Let's see the difference in the programs available for these two categories:

Exchange student program

The exchange program is offered by partner universities of Bahiana, through bilateral agreements. These programs are called “exchange” because both students from the Bahiana can study at partner universities just as students from these universities can study in any of the courses at the Bahiana, at no additional cost for both. Students must, however, fulfill their obligations with the home institution during the exchange period.

Places for exchange students at Bahiana they are made available by the partner institution, in the first four months of each year, and reported to the REAI. These vacancies are filled through a selection process published in a notice, whose criteria for participation and classification are defined by the course coordinators and validated by the Dean of Teaching, Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Stricto Sensu.

Notices for exchange vacancies are available on the REAI page, in the OPPORTUNITIES section, and are disseminated through our newsletters to the academic community.

Program for independent students (free-mover students)
Globally, higher education institutions from different countries offer programs for international visiting students in the free-mover category, which do not depend on prior agreement with the Bahiana.

As a result, such programs, in most cases, have a cost to the student, which varies according to each university.

Programs for free-movers students are described on official university websites. To be successful in their searches, the interested person needs to take the time to browse the websites of the institutions of interest.

In this category are visiting research students who can find many short-term programs for international students. Most master's and doctoral programs offer this opportunity, with application fees that pay off.

Important information for students of all mobility programs

  • If you intend to undertake a mobility period while you are enrolled in Bahiana, you should start doing your information research 12 to 15 months in advance.
  • It is not possible to cancel the registration for any type of mobility, whether it is an exchange or mobility as an independent student. Institutions of higher education, globally, require proof of this link.
  • In order to take advantage of studies carried out during the mobility period, enrollment as a student must have been active during this period, without the semester being closed.
  • When planning their mobility in one of the programs, before enrolling, the student should look for their course coordinator to verify, among the studies they want to do in the other institution, which ones can be validated – as a curricular component or complementary activity – according to the institutional criteria.
  • In any of the exchange programs, the expenses with transportation, accommodation, food or other fees due for the use of university equipment during the mobility period, are under the responsibility of the student.
  • There is no monthly fee payment at universities that are affiliated with the Bahiana, but the number of available places is pre-defined in the agreement, as well as the requirement to comply with the financial obligations of the exchange student(s) with their home institution, as mentioned above.
  • In programs for independent students, where there is a registration and enrollment fee, these eventual fees are the responsibility of the student, as well as the independent expenses with transportation, accommodation, meals or other fees due.
  • Depending on the mobility program, the Bahiana grants a scholarship of up to 50% discount from the second monthly fee, not exceeding the period of 6 (six) months. For this, specific criteria for graduation and post-graduation must be observed. This information can also be obtained from the REAI.


Were you interested in the programs mentioned here? Do you want more information or do you want to clarify doubts?

Click here to schedule your appointment

Click here to fill out the Application Form for International Mobility, if you have already defined the institution of interest.