

Study by Medical Scholars is published in Medical Education

Work approaches the evaluation system in the Medicine course.


Curriculum change driven by student dissatisfaction with assessment practices is the title of the article that will be published in the May issue of Medical Education. The work has as authors the professors of the Medicine course Prof. Dr. Iêda Aleluia, Prof. Dr. Elise Santos and Prof. Dr. Carolina Bittencourt.

The study addresses the modification of the assessment system in Biofunction 2, in the fourth semester of Medicine, based on the feedback of students, in the teachers reflexão reflection and in the attempt to align the teaching methodology with the way of evaluating, "since we use an active, integrated methodology and the evaluation remained traditional and not integrated. It also shows that it is not enough to innovate, but we have that to evaluate innovations and change what is necessary, listening to everyone involved in the process: students and teachers", explains Prof. Iêda Aleluia.

CLICK HERE to access the work in Online version.