

Bahiana holds XIII Physiotherapy Day

The event took place on September 21st, at the Cabula Campus.


"Physiotherapist Academic Path: from training to insertion in the world of work". It was around this theme that the XIII Physiotherapy Conference of the Bahiana, at the Cabula Campus. The event aimed to provide insights valuable and practical strategies to strengthen the academic and professional trajectory of undergraduate students. The program opened with the lecture "Essential Skills: the fundamental skills for a new world", given by the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course at Bahiana, Luciana Bilitario.

Throughout the day, there were round tables, lectures and prize draws. For the event coordinator, Professor Mayra Castro de Matos Sousa, the chosen theme is challenging, in the sense of discussing the training of physiotherapists in contemporary times. “It is a topic that provides a lot of information and content and, therefore, discussing it in depth is a challenge”, she pointed out.

"Participating in a large event like this, first of all, allows you to network with people who are references in their field, especially professors and professionals. It is an opportunity to open your eyes, to expand your knowledge for those who are starting out, to have a vision of what physiotherapy covers outside the office. The most important thing is that it gives you direction. You end up finding yourself more in the field and having deeper contact with professors, creating a stronger bond", reported the 5th semester Physiotherapy student at Bahiana Lucas Miranda.

XIII Physiotherapy Day of Bahiana

XIII Physiotherapy Day of Bahiana