"Participating in this forum is also promoting our personal development and I believe that, when the institution works on our personal side, this is reflected in the improvement of our methodologies and our view of the student, understanding that, in addition to being there learning, they has a life behind it", this was the perception of the former student and current professor of the Physiotherapy course, Juliana Guimarães, about the XX Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana which took place on the 16th and 17th of August, bringing together hundreds of participants at the Cabula Campus. The meeting's theme was "Paths to peace: us in the world and the world in us". On the topic, Psychology professor Julia Baleeiro highlights: "Promoting an event like this, which brings together the courses, is already on the path to this proposal for peace, to reduce conflicts.” For Medicine course professor Iêda Aleluia, the The chosen theme must be worked on both in the classroom and in the health professional's work environment. “Working on this topic means changing paradigms. with another who suffers, who is vulnerable. Bringing this topic to medical education and health education is fundamental”, he points out. The event was organized by a teaching committee coordinated by the dean. Bahiana, Prof. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani and the coordinator of the Institutional Center for Teaching Development (NIDD), Prof. Lígias Vilas Bôas.
The program opened with the lecture "Attention and presence: how to live the challenges of today's world!", given by Institutional Development coordinator André Soliani, also a meditation instructor at the Center for Contemplative Sciences and Ethics Based on Compassion at Emory University and by the meditation instructor at Associação Palas Athena do Brasil and teacher at the Culture of Peace and Meditative Practices project at Bahiana, professor Sandra Brasil. Still on the first day, teachers and guests participated in workshops on "Feeling and Thinking" and "Practice for Peace". The program also included the lecture "Culture of Peace and Conflict Mediation", with the professor and advisor of the Palas Athena Association (SP), Antônio Fernando Stanziani. "Our pedagogical proposal aims to promote the culture of peace at all times, both in pedagogical forums and in the teacher development work carried out on a daily basis. We are always calling on people to look at the world in order to realize what changes need to happen to reduce inequalities and violence. This forum is another way to present this proposal", highlights Prof. Lígias Vilas Bôas.
The second day of the XX Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana was dawned with a performance by the choir Canta Bahiana which opened the Golden Borboleguim award ceremony. This year, tributes were paid (in memoriam) to teachers who, for a long time, served the institution and left their legacy in Bahian and Brazilian society. The first person honored was Prof. Ênio Ribeiro Maynard Barreto who, over decades, was a teacher, coordinator and vice-rector of the institution. The Borboleguim Emeritus award was presented by the dean of Bahiana Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani to the current vice-rector prof. Humberto Castro Lima, who represented the honoree. The second Emeritus Borboleguim paid tribute to the professor, doctor, psychologist, speaker, writer, philosopher and religious leader André Luiz Peixinho. The award was received by the professor of Bahiana and technical director of the Vida Plena Community Complex (CCVP), Vice-Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Residency in Family and Bahiana Prof. Eleonora Peixinho who, together with fellow member of the CCVP and professor at Bahiana Prof. Tânia Régis, received the Borboleguim de Ouro award for the 2024 edition. The event concluded with a performance “Dança das Palavras”, with dancer Alice Becker.
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Research runs until August 30th. Find out more.
The theme of this edition is "Paths to peace: us in the world and the world in us". Know more.
The GPTW Awards took place last Wednesday, at Fera Palace.