Research and Innovation
Aiming to encourage academic entrepreneurship, stimulating new talents with innovative potential applied to Physiotherapy, the Bahiana promoted a special edition of the Inova+ Saúde Award, held during the XXV COBRAF – Brazilian Physiotherapy Congress, held at the Salvador Convention Center. Competing for the award were Physiotherapy graduates from various institutions, including the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and two best innovative proposals submitted to the notice launched in June 2024 and presented during COBRAF were awarded, with a 50% scholarship in the Professional Master's in Health Technologies program, from the 2025.1 selection process. The event was attended by the dean of Research, Innovation and Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Studies at Bahiana, Prof. Atson Fernandes, and the coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Health Technologies, Prof. Marcos Almeida, as well as teachers and graduates of the program.
The special edition of the award was organized by the Academic and Scientific Advisor for the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs at Bahiana and vice coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Health Technologies, Profª. Dr. Cristiane Dias, and the coordinator of the Technological Innovation Center (NIT), Prof. MSc Fernanda Ferraz. On the occasion of COBRAF, the Bahiana was present with the space "Postgraduate Stricto Sensu Bahiana: Innovation and Impact of Technologies Applied to Physiotherapy", where panel presentations were held, the Talk show "Technological Innovations in Physiotherapy: Academic trajectory and applicability in clinical practice", case presentations and the Marathon of Innovative Technologies in Physiotherapy, where they were proposals competing for the Inova+ Saúde Special Edition Award were presented.
The work of physiotherapists Thainá Machado de Melo Vieira was awarded, with the project “Development of an application for entropy analysis and injury prediction in runners”, with first place, and Daniel França Seixas Simões, with the work "Development and validation of a mobile system for functional assessment and automated reporting", which won second place. "This award was the little push I needed to be able to take this step forward towards my master's degree. It is an extremely important incentive for us physiotherapists who enjoy the academic and clinical aspects. It is the Bahiana once again promoting the development of research", declared Thainá, who was a student of the Physiotherapy course at Bahiana, completed in 2010.
Research and Innovation
The award will go to Physiotherapy graduates. Interested parties have until July 21st to submit their projects.
Research and Innovation
Meeting took place in June, on Campus Brotas.
Research and Innovation
Conference took place in April, in the United States.