The Institutional Center for Teacher Development (NIDD), in partnership with the Medicine course, carried out, throughout the second semester of this year, the course Medical Education and the Challenges for Good Pedagogical Practice, whose objective was to offer teachers a space to reflect, critically, on pedagogical practice, considering the social determinants of health and social diversity.
The program was divided into five meetings. The first was attended by the vice-rector and coordinator of the Medicine course, prof. Humberto de Castro Lima Filho, and prof. Luiz Queiróz, who developed the theme "Our history and teaching identity", promoting a reflection on the repercussion of individual and collective pedagogical practice in medical training; the second meeting was designed around the question "Why do we need to talk about gender identities in Medical Education?" and had Prof. Carle Porcino as a guest lecturer; the following meeting hosted Prof. Andreia Beatriz Santos, who provoked a discussion on "Racism and its implications in Medical Education". The fourth meeting was led by activist Marcelo Zig, who promoted reflections on "Capacityism and intersectionality in health training". Finally, on November 13th, the last meeting was held, given by Luiz Queiroz, under the theme “Syntheses and decompositions on the current challenges of medical education”. The event was mediated by prof. Lígia Vilas Bôas, coordinator of the NIDD, prof. Iêda Aleluia and prof. Gerfson Oliveira, both members of the NIDD team and professors of the Medicine Course.
According to the NIDD guidelines for the course, the understanding of social determinants and their discussion in the medical curriculum can contribute to people in training being better prepared to recognize and deal with inequalities, situations of economic and social vulnerability and unfavorable factors. biological factors that influence clinical conditions, health status and treatment, such as racism, machismo, sexism, homophobia, ableism, among other violence present in the Brazilian social structure. With due attention to social determinants in health and the complexity of an intersectional and dynamic society, professionals are challenged to act as agents of change and transformation, seeking to assume a more sensitive, critical and reflective stance so that they can meet the demands of SUS users, reduce health disparities and promote equity by offering more effective and inclusive assistance.
The event brought together hundreds of professors, on August 18 and 19, at Campus Cabula.
Activity took place on Campus Brotas.
Activity is part of the Teaching Development (DD) project at USP Ribeirão Preto for the programmatic evaluation of students in undergraduate health courses in Brazil.