On the National Anti-Asylum Fight Day, the Psychology course held the Struggles in Mental Health meeting, in the auditorium of Pavilhão de Aulas III, on Campus Cabula. The activity aimed to enable participants to get in touch with critical analyzes on the importance of social movements for the anti-asylum struggle, as well as technical analyzes on contemporary social issues. “This year, we reflect on a complex, sensitive and emerging theme: Interfaces between mental health and violence in schools. .
The program opened with the lecture "Daily challenges: reflections on mental health in everyday school life", given by psychologist, educational counselor, psychopedagogue and Master in Education, Andáiá Lima Mello. Next, high school students Carlos Santos da Luz, Adriele Santana de Assis, Erick Bispo Chavez and Carlos Henrique Anjos joined the round table "Mental Health and violence in schools: reports and experiences", mediated by teachers Iago Sampaio and Rafael Fernandes.
The event ended with the Conversa Scenica activity, with the group Insenicos. The moment consisted of dialogue and training on topics that cross the field of mental health. Through small scenes, skits and interactions, the group invited students to reflect on the multiplicity of knowledge in the field of mental health.