The Dentistry course held, on September 23, a preview of the Dental Journey of Bahiana: The JOBA Preview, with virtual meetings on the official channel of Bahiana on YouTube and the Zoom platform. This year, the event discussed the importance of ethics in the professional use of social networks. Dentistry professionals and students participated.
The JOBA Preview aimed to contribute to the technical and scientific improvement of Dentistry, integrating specialties and encouraging participants to develop activities in the fields of research, teaching and extension.
The JOBA Preview, which was coordinated by Professor Francisco Xavier Paranhos Coêlho Simões, developed its activities around the topics: Entrepreneurship and the Labor Market; Entrepreneurship in Social Networks and Ethics in Social Networks. Speakers were invited prof. Leonardo Muniz, who gave the lecture "How to build a brand and learn to 'sell' in Dentistry", and Prof. Bruno Rosa, who brought the theme "How to raise the patient's perception from analog to digital".
Programming is open to dental students and professionals.
Event invites Psychology students to think about internship and career.
The courses encourage health and the practice of self-care.